TikTok-inspired 'Orbeez Challenge' ends in MURDER after New Yorker, 18, is shot and killed 'by off-duty jail warden' when teen fired illegal air rifle

I agree with you. But the difference is that its a bad look for the left when the person doing the shooting is not white. If rioting were to occur wthout race being the central issue, then rioting would lose its effectiveness in convincing soccer moms to come out and vote for democrats in order to address racial disparity. Rioting is effective in persuading the soccer moms to come out and vote for dems because it grabs them by their emotions when they see what they believe are people so desperate and so marginalized that they will take to such desperate measures over this issue as to burn down their own neighborhoods.
Until they become victims of the marginalized minorities, then they scream for the Police/govt. to DO SOMETHING.
Wow, that sounds terrible, poor guy! The incident def sounds complex, with so many factors to consider. I mean, yeah, these types of toys can be a lot of fun, but they can also be a nuisance if not used responsibly.
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Certainly! It's unfortunate to hear about the difficulties that person faced. There are indeed many factors to consider in such incidents. While toys like those can be enjoyable, they also come with responsibilities.
Anyone know the outcome here for the defendant? Could not find out if he was sentenced and does not appear to show up with a NY inmate search.
There's a lot wrong with this shoot by the sound of it. All that being said I can't say I believe the shooter was in the wrong from either a moral or self preservation perspective. Sounds like a FAFO event for the deceased. Case dismissed.
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