This was a close one….

I don't answer my door for anyone I don't know. Ever. Period.

My doorbell rings unexpectedly and take a look out the window down to my front door. I live in a raised ranch so have a birds eye view looking down to my front door. If I don't know the person I just watch them till they give up waiting and walk away. If they are persistent I yell down to them and ask what they want. If they start a sales pitch I tell them not interested go away. If anyone ever started trying to bust in my gun is VERY close by that window and I can make it to the top of the stairs looking down at the front door in about 5 steps. If that door gets broken in the perp will be VERY sorry.

You can probably tell I'm alot of fun at parties eh? But I'll never have to worry about someone shoving their way into my house because I was dumb enough to open the door for them.

A woman I worked for back in the 80's had her father robbed at gunpoint by a guy dressed up as UPS. He was an old school guy who was renovating his house and paying for all the labor and materials in cash I guess. Guy dressed as UPS with a clipboard and a box rings the bell, dad opens, faux-UPS shoves him inside, pulls a gun, demands cash and then takes him into the basement and hog ties him. Guy thought he was going to die.
I drove into my driveway one day, and a couple people were banging on my rear door.

They didn't notice me pull in.

From my car a good 50 yards from the door, I got out, slammed the door and at the same time yelled to them "who the f*** are you?"
They looked at me, then started talking about so and so, and I'm just like - why the f*** are you at my back door, what gives you permission to be on my property on my back door? Get out before I call the cops (all while I was prepared for whatever may happen next, thankfully it was a peaceful ending and they left before I needed to call in a tresspass)
I don't answer my door for anyone I don't know. Ever. Period.

My doorbell rings unexpectedly and take a look out the window down to my front door. I live in a raised ranch so have a birds eye view looking down to my front door. If I don't know the person I just watch them till they give up waiting and walk away. If they are persistent I yell down to them and ask what they want. If they start a sales pitch I tell them not interested go away. If anyone ever started trying to bust in my gun is VERY close by that window and I can make it to the top of the stairs looking down at the front door in about 5 steps. If that door gets broken in the perp will be VERY sorry.

You can probably tell I'm alot of fun at parties eh? But I'll never have to worry about someone shoving their way into my house because I was dumb enough to open the door for them.
Your name checks out!

(Lol kidding!!!!)

I don’t answer my door either.
Costco is having a sale on Ring and a couple other camera systems. It won't stop and intruder, but at least I'll know why my dog is about to tear someone's arm off.
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