The world's smallest gun

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May 19, 2007
Livin' the Isle of Rhode
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The SwissMiniGun is the size of a key fob but fires tiny 270mph bullets powerful enough to kill at close range.

Officially the world's smallest working revolver, the gun is being marketed as a collector's item and measures just 2.16 inches long (5.5cm). It can fire real 4.53 bullets up to a range of 367ft (112m).

This is where the article becomes interesting:

Jonathan Spencer, consultant forensic scientist and firearms expert, said that although the gun, which fires bullets at a speed of 399 feet a second, was tiny, it could still prove fatal and in the eyes of the law was as dangerous as a machine gun.

"If you shoved something 3mm across into someone's chest you could kill them. It's the same with these bullets, they could penetrate the heart.

"It is capable of killing someone. Under section 5 of the Firearms Act it would be a prohibited weapon. It would be on the same scale as a machine gun."

WTF!!!??? [rolleyes][thinking][rolleyes][thinking]
Typical MSM crap.

It can fire real 4.53 bullets up to a range of 367ft (112m).

As with most morons, the author used the term "bullets" when describing the cartridges. [rolleyes]

The actual bullets weigh less than 2 grains each are are about 1/10 the diameter of a BB. These would be hard-pressed to penetrate the corrugated paper we post our targets on, still less pose a lethal threat to any life form beyond worms and soft insects.
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