The Federalist: "Don't Rely On Justice Kavanaugh To Protect Gun Rights"


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Jun 23, 2013
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Don't Rely On Justice Kavanaugh To Protect Gun Rights
Lest the title of this essay cause any misunderstanding, I’m glad that Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court. In terms of his judicial outlook, he’s more like justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Clarence Thomas than like justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Sonia Sotomayor.

All the better, Kavanaugh appears to have led an exemplary life for at least the last 30-odd years, as attested by scores of people who have known him best academically, professionally, and personally. Not surprisingly, then, the primary accusation against him during his confirmation process turned out to be full of lies and inconsistencies, and was refuted by the accuser’s supposed “witnesses.” Other accusations were even less credible, and some were so unbelievable that even the most vile and despicable Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee—Dick Durbin, Richard Blumenthal, and Kamala Harris—wouldn’t vouch for them.

Furthermore, despite some Republican senators politely giving Sen. Dianne Feinstein the benefit of the doubt, I won’t be surprised if we eventually learn that she colluded with the first accuser and her lawyers to “leak” the accuser’s story, to bring about a nationally televised spectacle they hoped would destroy Kavanaugh’s stellar reputation. Unlike Harris and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Feinstein is a gentlewoman, but from my involvement in the fight against her 25-year crusade to ban rifles that are particularly suitable for defense of life and liberty, I know she, like they, can be fanatic.
It was mentioned numerous times in the Trump Mega thread and the Kavanaugh thread that one never knows how a justice will rule on any gun cases. However, I would still think that the odds favor a better outcome if there were more Kavanaugh types rather than Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Breyer or Kagan types if they were in the majority.
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Well, he has publicly stated that "assault weapon" bans are unconstitutional, so there's that.

Correct. But he has an out. The things they are banning aren't actually assault weapons.

I'm hopefully optimistic. Doesn't mean I believe unicorns will diving into living rooms and classrooms and bull-horn-whipping idiots due to BK being sworn in.
Correct. But he has an out. The things they are banning aren't actually assault weapons.

I'm hopefully optimistic. Doesn't mean I believe unicorns will diving into living rooms and classrooms and bull-horn-whipping idiots due to BK being sworn in.
Not sure I understand where the "out" is. If he's going to flip and support AW bans because what they're banning aren't AWs, then he would have to admit that what he meant was that banning select fire is unconstitutional. There are only two AW definitions I've seen: the correct one (select fire, .mil weapons) and the left one - anything that looks scary.
It was mentioned numerous times in the Trump Mega thread and the Kavanaugh thread that one never knows how a justice will rule on any gun cases. However, I would still think that the odds favor a better outcome if there were more Kavanaugh types rather than Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Breyer or Kagan types if they were in the majority.
I agree. But it is unliklely that Mass. gun laws will change significantly any time soon. Any case originating in Mass. would take years to reach the Supreme Court if it reached the court at all. And even if some Mass. laws were struck down by the Supreme Court our hard-workin' legislature would immediately cook up some new laws and the whole process would start over again...
I’ll take him over whatever justice that the Democratic Party could dream up. Knowing them it would be a person confused about what gender they were.
The Federalist: "Don't Rely On Justice Kavanaugh To Protect Gun Rights"

I'm a bit of an oddball. I don't "Rely" on anyone to Protect my Gun Rights. I do that myself...

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Enbloc speaks truth.

The title might better be "Don't Rely On Justice Kavanaugh To Prevent The Constitutional Crisis that Leads to the Next Civil War"

The Federalist: "Don't Rely On Justice Kavanaugh To Protect Gun Rights"

I'm a bit of an oddball. I don't "Rely" on anyone to Protect my Gun Rights. I do that myself...

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