The Coming War With China Part 3

The CCP doesn’t have this kind of power. Less than two years ago during the crackdown on Shanghai, the people eventually got fed up took to the streets busting barricades and screaming for Xi to be removed.

Did he line people up and shoot them? No, he lifted the lockdown, gone like it never happened.
Chinese are smart enough to never make public martyrs out of their opposition- they proceed slowly and use repressions and exterminate them all eventually.
If you read the articles - they still pursue dissidents who escaped them into USA and have a whole secret police system here in states to continue that enforcement.
Chinese are smart enough to never make public martyrs out of their opposition- they proceed slowly and use repressions and exterminate them all eventually.
If you read the articles - they still pursue dissidents who escaped them into USA and have a whole secret police system here in states to continue that enforcement.

They learned from Tiananmen Square.
Would that be the free TX that didn't even have legal concealed carry 30 years ago around the time your state got shall issue (it finally got legal ccw in 89). Yeah some states became freer and others got less free but that is only the last few decades, it wasn't set in stone.

LOL nice cartoony way to say we're going to annihilate Taipei, Kaohsiung and Hualien.
Sure, pick one thing. Meanwhile, enjoy living behind the wall.
They learned from Tiananmen Square.

I think they learned that they can control civil unrest by giving the elites market economics and luxury goods. But Xi seems to be forgetting that lesson as his ego and paranoia take over. The whole Shanghai crackdown thing was his ego talking. Shanghai and Beijing have always been rivals. He almost ended up with massive civil unrest.
This is horrible and will be a colossal mistake to start a mess with American lives over damn island. People here really lost control over damn politicians and forgot that it is your country that matters most, not a damn world peace and other popularized BS.

But it’s not just one island. China has been slowly controlling/taking key waterways and fisheries that aren’t actually theirs.

Who knew that 50 years later, Vietnam would have better relations with the U.S. than China. But here we are.
I think they learned that they can control civil unrest by giving the elites market economics and luxury goods. But Xi seems to be forgetting that lesson as his ego and paranoia take over. The whole Shanghai crackdown thing was his ego talking. Shanghai and Beijing have always been rivals. He almost ended up with massive civil unrest.
Totally agree regarding market economics but disagree regarding 'giving' the elites luxury goods. Anything deemed to be a luxury gets a 100% duty applied. Pretty much any American or European car and any decent brand foreign makeup, jewelry, etc. will cost double, with the central gov getting half of the total. In a roundabout way- yes he sort of did give them the ability to spend on luxury goods. The damn near free capital allowed a lot of hardworking, reasonably smart people to start up manufacturing businesses at nearly no cost and make ridiculous money on their globally cheap goods plus selling their original real estate closer to big cities to make bigger sites in the outskirts. It was rinse and repeat until their real estate crash.

You are absolutely right about Shanghai- it has its own cultural identity. LOL my direct reports taught me some local dialect for telling the aggressive street vendors to bug off. I'm still some dumb foreigner, but at least a dumb foreigner who knows how things roll in Shanghai and therefore no longer interesting to the hawkers. Shanghai is quite openly an international community, while Beijing is all about China.
Agreed “f*** China
we should build the wall around usa, man it with machine guns every 500yds and f#ck china.

Agreed, “f*** China”. But we’ll have to disagree about becoming isolationist and letting China control the entirety of the South Pacific.
Wow. Two years of pants shitting and still no war with China?

There may come a day when we go to war with China, but not for a while.
Drug dealers don't kill the drug users on purpose.

Besides, why go to war with America, when you can just bribe the President and all the politicians?
Then the President can give speeches about getting tough on China while he cashes the checks, and Hunter "sells" finger paintings for millions.

Also, China needs the US to keep up R&D so they can STEAL it, rip of our tech and use it to build garbage and sell it back to us.
Wow. Two years of pants shitting and still no war with China?

There may come a day when we go to war with China, but not for a while.
Drug dealers don't kill the drug users on purpose.

Besides, why go to war with America, when you can just bribe the President and all the politicians?
Then the President can give speeches about getting tough on China while he cashes the checks, and Hunter "sells" finger paintings for millions.

Also, China needs the US to keep up R&D so they can STEAL it, rip of our tech and use it to build garbage and sell it back to us.
Who says they're going to war with the current administration? Consider a cooperative "Night of the Long Knives" in the works. Gov and media portrayal of the Jan 6 protest as a coup attempt is right out of the early Nazi play book. Wouldn't be the first time the US has used foreign contractors doing the dirty work - though doing it larger scale on American soil might be new. I'm not talking all out war but an internal purge.

One if the things that strikes me as weird is the frequency of foreign agents not being caught until they are actually at the perimeter or attempting to enter military bases. Chechens getting as far as photographing SF Col.'s kids? You'd think the CIA and NSA would be called to the carpet for that, or that there would at least be a weak attempt at blaming some expendable Homeland Security figurehead. There are too many things going on that are completely FUBAR and not getting the proper attention.
… You'd think the CIA and NSA would be called to the carpet for that, or that there would at least be a weak attempt at blaming some expendable Homeland Security figurehead. There are too many things going on that are completely FUBAR and not getting the proper attention.

I’d blame homeland security for that stuff way before I’d blame intelligence organizations. The IC isn’t omniscient and the global arena is too big to monitor everybody planning anything. The border SHOULD be a lot easier to control… and it is easier to control. It can’t be controlled 100%, but we all know there’s an active attempt to remove all control of it.
Who says they're going to war with the current administration? Consider a cooperative "Night of the Long Knives" in the works. Gov and media portrayal of the Jan 6 protest as a coup attempt is right out of the early Nazi play book. Wouldn't be the first time the US has used foreign contractors doing the dirty work - though doing it larger scale on American soil might be new. I'm not talking all out war but an internal purge.

One if the things that strikes me as weird is the frequency of foreign agents not being caught until they are actually at the perimeter or attempting to enter military bases. Chechens getting as far as photographing SF Col.'s kids? You'd think the CIA and NSA would be called to the carpet for that, or that there would at least be a weak attempt at blaming some expendable Homeland Security figurehead. There are too many things going on that are completely FUBAR and not getting the proper attention.
The leftists have never been in a better position, in so many ways, not to take advantage of the situation. They know people are waking up and Trump may be elected, the cheat may be too big to overcome. The numbers of their soldiers is in the millions. Trojan horse and night of the long knives on steroids comes to mind.
Just think of the resources involved on a single shooter. For urban areas, make that a couple thousand or more at once. For the suburbs, dozens to hundreds of enemy with the elements of surprise. With unsuspecting Americans being dropped like flies. They've been organizing with 3 letter agencies looking the other way.
Their window of opportunity is closing, I'm hoping like hell I'm wrong. Time will tell. If cell and internet goes down, things are going hot. Problem is, will the enemies cell service stay on?? Those cell phones the "charities" are giving to aliens, yup.
The left can't lose this election. They have never been closer to their "utopia". Expect everything!!!
China probably doesn't need to invade Taiwan.

Based on what I'm hearing and reading about the present state of the Taiwan populace, I suspect many of them would go along with a Chinese takeover along the lines of what happened in HK: China assumes control, but the place retains a lot of what made it distinctive. Leaders get quietly spirited away or liquidated, a new set of Beijing-installed leaders slips into place, and presto. Fait accompli.

Everyone wins. Taiwan stays "peaceful" and "prosperous," China gets the revenue, and production is unaffected. Until a revolt starts about ten or fifteen years down the road, but by then the Chinese will have mechanisms in place to deal with that calmly, I imagine.
There are a few things influencing the political dynamics:

1. Old Chinese saying: The sky can’t have two suns, and the country can’t have two kings. Each new dynasty’s rule isn’t secure until all heirs of previous dynasty are eliminated physically. Doing so neutralizes the loyalists’ will to fight and fully establishes the new emperor’s legitimacy. This is no different from European kingdoms.

2. The CCP drove Nationalists to Taiwan and they couldn’t pursue despite the overwhelming victory on Mainland because there was no PLA Navy in 1949. This is historical resemblance of ‘there’s still the other king’. ‘Reuniting Taiwan’ has and always will be one of the core mission statement of the CCP.

3. One of the most important legacy of Deng Xiaoping is the reform of CCP’s top command structure: the party leader can have up to 2 terms of 5 years each, and major decisions need majority vote of the seven standing members of politburo. It’s doe due to the painful lessons from Mao’s era and the Cultural Revolution.

4. Xi upended both norm in #3 by changing the Constitution, and the justification was basically he was going to be a wartime leader. Xi is riding the tiger he created and he risks getting devoured by the tiger if he jumps off.

5. Taiwanese people seem really soft, much to my disappointment. I believe people’s desire to fight when their freedoms are at stake, but using Winter War as an example, the will to fight needs equipment and training to mount a stiff resistance. I’d be handing every able-bodied citizen a rifle and ammunition to train were I the leader of Taiwan. Unfortunately, I think both leaders and citizens mentally rely heavily on the US being directly involved in combats in their planning.
I'm not a huge fan of mandatory national service of any kind.

I understand all the arguments on both sides, but I've concluded that a free republic has no place forcing its citizens to serve the state. I do support service (of course I do; I served myself, and would again), but it MUST be voluntary.

A government that can't get its citizens to voluntarily serve should probably look at the things it's doing that keep its citizens from wanting to voluntarily serve.

and the beeb seems to be reporting on British movements. didn't our forefathers fight a war to let them do whatever they want to anybody who stayed a subject to the crown?

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