Target Practice: You can never be too prepared

Are those legal in MA?

Edit: At first you might have thought that I was making a joke. Sadly, I am not. Due to the sad state of affairs that we Ma**h***s are forced to endure, some or all of those might be illegal to shoot at.
Are those legal in MA?

Edit: At first you might have thought that I was making a joke. Sadly, I am not. Due to the sad state of affairs that we Ma**h***s are forced to endure, some or all of those might be illegal to shoot at.

Massachusetts does not regulate target content, except for the sole Club licensee.
Are those legal in MA?

You can pretty much shoot at any target that you want in MA.

As we've covered here a number of times, a gun club in MA can get an LTC. If a gun club has an LTC, then the gun club can not allow people to use human silhouette targets. There are very, very few gun clubs that have an LTC (one?), so this law frankly isn't an issue.

If your gun club does not have an LTC, and the vast majority do not, then you can shoot at any target your gun club allows.

The appropriate part of the law is MGL Chapter 140 Section 131 paragraph a:

The colonel of state police may, after an investigation, grant a Class A license to a club or facility with an on-site shooting range or gallery, which club is incorporated under the laws of the commonwealth for the possession, storage and use of large capacity weapons, ammunition therefor and large capacity feeding devices for use with such weapons on the premises of such club; provided, however, that not less than one shareholder of such club shall be qualified and suitable to be issued such license; and provided further, that such large capacity weapons and ammunition feeding devices may be used under such Class A club license only by such members that possess a valid firearm identification card issued under section 129B or a valid Class A or Class B license to carry firearms, or by such other persons that the club permits while under the direct supervision of a certified firearms safety instructor or club member who, in the case of a large capacity firearm, possesses a valid Class A license to carry firearms or, in the case of a large capacity rifle or shotgun, possesses a valid Class A or Class B license to carry firearms. Such club shall not permit shooting at targets that depict human figures, human effigies, human silhouettes or any human images thereof, except by public safety personnel performing in line with their official duties.
Hypothetically, of course... If some individual were to print up some targets, let's say with Deval Patrick's likeness.. Would this fall under freedom of speech or hate crime??
Hypothetically, of course... If some individual were to print up some targets, let's say with Deval Patrick's likeness.. Would this fall under freedom of speech or hate crime??

I don't know, but don't do it.
Agreed to all of the above re, tasteless, don't do it etc.

However, I think it's a legit question as to where our 1st Ammendment ends and a prosecutable offense kicks in.

Is there some super secret list or "AG APPROVED BAD GUYS ROSTER". If we could shoot at a pic of Hitler, Stalin, Che Guevara, Hugo Chaves, David Dukes, Jerry Falwell, etc, without fear of repercussions, should we not be able to shoot at a pic of anybody for the same reasons?

Call it freedom of expression, redress of greivences, political protest etc..
I think Riverside GC has a rule that you can not shoot at human silhouette targets on their ranges. Whether the have a LTC or not, I do not know.
As I often tell my students, "Just because you CAN do something is not a good reason TO do something."

That said, you're on your own. [wink]

I agree that it is, indeed, in rather poor taste. I have not and would not do it myself. However, the possibility that it may be an actionable offense is what really irks me.
I think Riverside GC has a rule that you can not shoot at human silhouette targets on their ranges. Whether the have a LTC or not, I do not know.

Is Darth Vader or a zombie really a 'human likeness" given the intent of the law?

Also, please do not print out and shoot at pics of any public figure, very poor taste and could potentially get you in a lot of trouble.
Is Darth Vader or a zombie really a 'human likeness" given the intent of the law?

Also, please do not print out and shoot at pics of any public figure, very poor taste and could potentially get you in a lot of trouble.

Darth Vader was Luke's father, so I think he qualifies as human. If you shot at an alien or Superman, who is from the planet Krypton, I think it doesn't qualify. Why you would want to shoot at Superman is beyond me though. The bullets just bounce of his eyes anyway....
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