Sweet! I get to post first!

I am planning on building my first this summer/fall. Im going to build an A4 AR on a preban bushy recvr I have waiting in the safe. I plan to pick up The complete AR15 Assembly Guide, by Scott Duff and Co.
Ive got his M-14, M1 Garand, and AR owners manual, and find the books great reads, ver informative, and easy to read.
I have built 4 ARs for myself. Quite addicting, I do say.

It started with one stripped lower and upper. Built one carbine with a built upper I source from elsewhere. So, I had a stripped upper... So, I had to build another one.

Finding that lowers were cheap, added more... They multiplied like rabbits!

Being a tool junkie, I had to collect the tools to do it... My armorer's kit is damn heavy now.
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