Survival Deals

Always wanted one of these. Got one. You should too!

Goal Zero Portable Solar Power Essentials Kit

$69.99 - 52% off List Price

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I have one minus the extra light bar. I've only used it enough to play around with it, but it works pretty well. You can charge directly off the panel but I like to charge the batteries and then use those to charge stuff. Everything seems to be well built and it packs up nicely.
not sure if there are better deals, but wegman's in northborough has had spaghetti on sale for $0.69/lb for months now and now they have canned tuna for $1/can
Tuna is getting ridiculous. Three years ago I was buying chuck light for 0.39 per can from Wally World. Two years ago you could still get it 2/$1. Now $1 is the best I see.
Farmland Bacon is 2.99 -4% a pound this week at Market Basket, fill up the chest freezer, it's way better than the store brand based on the half pound I ate for lunch.

Pastene Kitchen Ready Tomatoes, and Market Basket Pasta are on deep discount as well.
while you're stacking canned veggies, check dates in your stores. When they get close we donate ours to a local food pantry, because they do not sit there long.

My wife has banned me from shopping at MB [laugh]

I've got three kids. We don't make it far past the usage date. I only stock up to a point that we keep up with perishable stuff within reason. The oldest cans of veggies we're eating now are 10/2011. Still perfectly fine. I don't plan on keeping anything in a tin can longer than 5 years unless it's dehydrated. Once I get to that point I move on to stocking other things.
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