Survival Basics - Teachings 101...Interested??

I won't guarantee it, but hopefully I can get this taped, and prepare a series of "free" trainings on my website. It would be so great to be able to share the great ideas I know shooters will bring to the table.

That would be really helpful.
Another off the wall sugestion.

How about getting a VE (Volunteer Examiner) to administer a Ham Radio test?? Is there meeting space at the gun shop??

All the ideas here are great!!!
This sounds like a great idea. I would love to be a part of it. I lie in Ware and perhaps I could bring a few of my skills to share.
I do have a room 18x35 above my store that could be easily converted into a classroom/training area. Its well lit, and all it would take is some tables and chairs. Set up a laptop with projector and the sky is the limit.
Shootback...Any and all skills that can enhance the general populaces awareness and skill level are needed, and wanted. As this thread is showing, even some of the hardcore "gun" guys do not have all the training they want/need. We all can learn something new, or practice what we have read, but never tried. So bring the skills and the willingness to teach them, and the people will come.
Shootback...Any and all skills that can enhance the general populaces awareness and skill level are needed, and wanted. As this thread is showing, even some of the hardcore "gun" guys do not have all the training they want/need. We all can learn something new, or practice what we have read, but never tried. So bring the skills and the willingness to teach them, and the people will come.

Can't Agree more!!!!
Is there enough room at the site to hold an Appleseed shoot?? Not sure what the requirements are, but if we can get another site for Massachusetts, it will be good.
Sean, I do not have a range on site, and my understanding is that a lot of shooting takes place at an appleseed event. I have breeched the subject with the North Brookfield Sportsmans club, but no one wants to take the reins on it.
Ok. Maybe we could get guest speakers to come and talk about emergency readiness?? (American Red Cross, Salvation Army, police/fire chiefs,Ham Radio club, etc.)
I just found this thread. I did hear of the class on the Red Zone website. This sounds like it would be great! I will be checking this part of the forum much more frequently.
I've been getting alot of responses back from this thread, and it sounds like it should be a good time. Its a rain or shine event as well, as I can accommodate alot of people in the garage at my shop, or in the classroom upstairs, if we have inclement weather. See ya here. If you can't make it, I will get the video/highlights posted on my website. Then we can discuss seminar #2 as well.
I've been getting alot of responses back from this thread, and it sounds like it should be a good time. Its a rain or shine event as well, as I can accommodate alot of people in the garage at my shop, or in the classroom upstairs, if we have inclement weather. See ya here. If you can't make it, I will get the video/highlights posted on my website. Then we can discuss seminar #2 as well.

This is fantastic!!! Now the video, will it be the whole seminar or will it just be a brief highlight video???
It's not going to be a problem if I don't have anything right? I've been meaning to put a kit together for a few months but I am kind of lost aside from the basics of what I need. I'd like to see some of the fire starter stuff in action, see what the people have who show up and pick some brains.
Ok guys, we are only a week away. I hope to get alot of people here for this, I have alot of people from this site and from others saying they would like to attend. Remember, if you have a bug out bag, bring it. If you don't, bring a pencil and paper, and jot down what you think you'd like to have in your kit. Sorry I have been off this forum for a bit, have LTC training at my site this saturday, and have been juggling the slots to accomodate as many as possible, so it has occupied what free time I have. Come prepared to have a good time, and hopefully learn a bit. If you think I am going to stand up and lecture/talk the whole time, think again. I am one voice with one "opinion" of what I think, voices and opinions are needed to make all our kits better. Bring the goods.
I was doing some perusing around Youtube, and SouthernPrepper1 (Suscribe to him!) had an old saw and was trying to sharpen it. Maybe another useful skill to learn?
I hope your class went well…:)

How did the class go??? How many peopled showed up? What was taught??? Did you offer your LTC course or tactical training as well? That's your ace in the hole right??? …:)
Hey guys. The 72 hour class went fairly well. Only two NE guys showed, we waited for a while, and just informally had the seminar. 3 others showed up after it was over. No-one had a kit to counter point mine, so no real cool stuff showed up. The video is posted on my website in two parts, go see it, and add your two cents back on here. Thanks to my web design folks Craig and Steve for doing a great job of posting it. Thanks to Craig and my daughter Chelsea for taking the actual video. Lets start thinking/planning for the next topic. I also hold LTC classes here on Saturdays once a month, they are being done by Daniel George, from SG Tactical. They run $60.00, and take a morning. Let me know if you have spouses or friends, as I am setting a date for the next one. Peace out.
Hey guys. The 72 hour class went fairly well. Only two NE guys showed, we waited for a while, and just informally had the seminar. 3 others showed up after it was over. No-one had a kit to counter point mine, so no real cool stuff showed up. The video is posted on my website in two parts, go see it, and add your two cents back on here. Thanks to my web design folks Craig and Steve for doing a great job of posting it. Thanks to Craig and my daughter Chelsea for taking the actual video. Lets start thinking/planning for the next topic. I also hold LTC classes here on Saturdays once a month, they are being done by Daniel George, from SG Tactical. They run $60.00, and take a morning. Let me know if you have spouses or friends, as I am setting a date for the next one. Peace out.

There is a training section where you can post your classes. I think as a dealer you get your own spot to post your classes.
This guy was trying to do a good thing IMHO post the course in both places people need help, make it easy to find and get get.
By putting my LTC class on here, I was only answering a question from an earlier statement. I do not advertise my classes on Northeast, as I figure everyone has a local one that they attend, and mine are also filled usually with local people and their friends. I post locally, and receive very little of the actual stated price. As a dealer, I figure I will receive business once they get their license.
As for running seminars and not receiving a ton of people. This is my goal. Educate myself and others to skill sets and practical (some will say simple or basic) skills so that we can all become more proficient. This is the survival forum. Survival has a lot of different meanings to people. Some want to survive the zombie apocalypse, and that is fine, some want to survive two days in the woods, as they are city folk. Also fine. As for me, my store is not my main source of income. It is more or less a hobby. You will not find thousands of guns and racks of accessories, it is me doing what I like. I will continue to run seminars, and if they are not well attended, but everyone gets even a little something from them, we all win. Sorry for the long diatribe.
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