Supreme Court ruling expands police authority in home searches


NES Member
Jan 12, 2011
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Oh great! [thinking] At least I live alone.

WASHINGTON — Police officers may enter and search a home without a warrant as long as one occupant consents, even if another resident has previously objected, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in a Los Angeles case.

The 6-3 ruling, triggered by a Los Angeles Police Department arrest in 2009, gives authorities more leeway to search homes without obtaining a warrant, even when there is no emergency.,0,3720623.story#ixzz2uSNe56Bp,0,3720623.story#axzz2uRliIeBY
WTF!!!! So both parents can object but if little Tommy says hi Mr. Policeman come on it, its considered legit?

Actually, no. Read the decision.

And remember, Rojas (the consenting adult, who at the time of the search was the only person present in the apartment) had the power, if the police had (for instance) asked her to produce the boy friend's gun, to get it and hand it to them.
unwind panties
In Tuesday's decision, the high court said Fernandez did not have the right to prevent the search of his apartment once he was gone and Rojas had consented.

the dude was gone, his girlfriend let the cops in his absence, not with him being there and objecting.
WTF!!!! So both parents can object but if little Tommy says hi Mr. Policeman come on it, its considered legit?
So, if the parents object, the daughter objects, but her scumbag boyfriend who is in the process of being thrown out on his ass (by a very angry dad!) consents, the cops have the right to a complete search? Have we really sunk to this level?
So, if the parents object, the daughter objects, but her scumbag boyfriend who is in the process of being thrown out on his ass (by a very angry dad!) consents, the cops have the right to a complete search? Have we really sunk to this level?

Did you read the article?

She noted that in 2006, the court had ruled in a Georgia case that a husband standing in the doorway could block police from searching his home, even if his estranged wife consented. In Tuesday's opinion, the majority said that rule applied only when the co-owner was "physically present" to object

The consensual search, of a home, requires ALL PRESENT "occupants" to consent. If your wife says "yes" and you say "no" it is no. This has changed nothing. I repeat nothing. It is not like a pissed off woman has never let the cops called to a domestic into the home after the boyfriend/husband has left...
I still think that absent an emergency, consent or not, they should need a warrant. That would prevent them from using forced coercion. It would make their illegal actions more obvious that way.
Did you read the article?

The consensual search, of a home, requires ALL PRESENT "occupants" to consent. If your wife says "yes" and you say "no" it is no. This has changed nothing. I repeat nothing. It is not like a pissed off woman has never let the cops called to a domestic into the home after the boyfriend/husband has left...

In Tuesday's opinion, the majority said that rule applied only when the co-owner was "physically present" to object.
This means that if you have a friend, cousin, daughter, hooker over and they say yes to letting the cops come in, their word means shit, unless you own the house with said hooker or party.

I didn't expect to see these three being against the new ruling
Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan joined Ginsburg in dissent and faulted the court for retreating from the warrant rule.
"Instead of adhering to the warrant requirement, today's decision tells the police they may dodge it," Ginsburg said.
Basically, if you aren't home, you have no right to exercise your 4th Amendment protections. Got it, PD comes to the house with me home - I say get a warrant. They come back (with no warrant) and my wife is home, and 'to make it so we don't have to trash the place' she lets them in. It's all good, even thought they were told to come back with a warrant, the know this and decided to roll the dice - winner.
How are my houses, papers, and effects secure if someone else can allow them to be searched after I said no?

They are not.

I didn't expect to see these three being against the new ruling

Why not?

Basically, if you aren't home, you have no right to exercise your 4th Amendment protections. Got it, PD comes to the house with me home - I say get a warrant. They come back (with no warrant) and my wife is home, and 'to make it so we don't have to trash the place' she lets them in. It's all good, even thought they were told to come back with a warrant, the know this and decided to roll the dice - winner.

Correct. Which is why consent or not, a warrant should be required. In fact, it is my opinion that it is required. I don't see where consent is even mentioned in the 4th.
Did you read the article?

The consensual search, of a home, requires ALL PRESENT "occupants" to consent. If your wife says "yes" and you say "no" it is no. This has changed nothing. I repeat nothing. It is not like a pissed off woman has never let the cops called to a domestic into the home after the boyfriend/husband has left...
Excuse me? Has happened numerous times here in MA. Wife tells cops hubby has guns, hubby gets screwed. Do a Google search and see for yourself. Happened on the North Shore a couple of years ago.
Unfortunately, as others in the thread have pointed out, legally this was kind of a no-brainer given prior 4th A. precedent. I'm honestly surprised by the content and composition of the dissent.
You don,t have to worry about your dog giving consent. They will shoot it before it can give it.
So, if the parents object, the daughter objects, but her scumbag boyfriend who is in the process of being thrown out on his ass (by a very angry dad!) consents, the cops have the right to a complete search? Have we really sunk to this level?

Call me old fashioned, but my daughter wouldn't be shacking up with her boyfriend under my roof, scumbag or otherwise.
I fully expect anyone refusing a search will be arrested for disturbing the peace or similar. You can't refuse to let them in from the backseat of their cruiser.

This decision, while certainly a logical extension of previous decisions, is still pure horseshit.
I didn't expect to see these three being against the new ruling

Based on their history and previous findings. These three are the 'liberal' core of the supreme court if you want to categorize them. I understand that all the justices are required to rule based on the Constitution but as we have seen in the past, politics have come into play.

Ginsburg who has spoken out about the US Constitution, sides with it on this case and is in dissent with the vote.
Kagen also has shown support for those who think our Constitution is flawed - also sides with the Constitution on this case and is in dissent with the vote.
Sotomayor is just a socialist. She is not objective and her actions are for the "greater good". She was with the Constitution on this case.

I am not turning this into a debate about the judges, I was just stating that I did not expect these three justices to be on the side of the Constitution in this case.
I fully expect anyone refusing a search will be arrested for disturbing the peace or similar. You can't refuse to let them in from the backseat of their cruiser.

This decision, while certainly a logical extension of previous decisions, is still pure horseshit.

What if you have a "Come back with a warrant" mat?
What if you have a printed note that says something along the lines of "In my absence, as head of the household, I Ben Dover, refuse to let any officer of the law enter this dwelling without a warrant". Place a copy of this note on the inside of each door, taped to it in clear view.

Can a lawyer chime in on that?
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