Superintendent Says Students Are Armed with Rocks In Case of a School Shooting

“Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone. If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full students armed with rocks and they will be stoned,” said Dr. David Helsel.

“At one time I just had the idea of river stone, they`re the right size for hands, you can throw them very hard and they will create or cause pain, which can distract,” said Helsel.

For some reason it reminds me of a Monty Python skit..."ouch, please quit throwing rocks at me"
well if the kids are allowed to carry rocks at least a few might be able to hit the shooter with something. Its just a matter of how many kids will say
"you know what Fyou i dont a gun but im not going to sit around waiting to get shot" and start tossing rocks.
my office tells up to throw office supplies at an active shooter in our online training.

While it sounds silly, if you have half a dozen people chucking staplers at a guy holding an AR, he' not getting a shot off...someone else could come from the side and tackle.

Of course that only works when the people in the room aren't a bunch of pussies hiding under a desk wetting themselves....and still is a stupid alternative to allowing CCW.
Maybe in PA. Aren't slingshots illegal here?

And zoobows:

If you read to the end of the article, it says they have a maintenance staff member who is trained as a security guard and is armed, and the district is looking to get more support staff this training. So they aren't doing all that bad.
Until some kid comes in and starts bashing in the skulls of his classmates and then we'll have "ban rocks" marches.

Nope. They’ll sill go after guns, cuz if there were no guns, the students wouldn’t need to have rocks.
Actually, this is a good, idea, albeit in a sort of inchoate way.

Let's work this.

Hard projectile hurled at adversary.
Perhaps, instead of hurling, some sort of chemical energy could be used, instead of muscles.
And, some type of way to direct a tube.
And, just for gits and shiggles, impart spin, to make it more accurate.

Eh, dump a bottle of vegetable oil in the hallway in front of the classroom door. No one is making their way across that short of crawling unless they want break themselves falling a dozen times.
But, words can't hurt you, remember?

I remember that but those rules don't apply to this generation.

This group is delicate and a little minor criticism or mean language will have them in a fetal position looking for a safe space. It's generally teens shooting up schools so if they get hit with a rock, whacked with a sick and told that no one supports their life choices, that should end the threat. ;)
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