Successful ways of preventing gun violence

What every one overlooks is that the system needs a certain amount of criminals to continue to function, and to justify its existence. As we see at times, they have no problem making criminals out of law abiding citizens.
What every one overlooks is that the system needs a certain amount of criminals to continue to function, and to justify its existence. As we see at times, they have no problem making criminals out of law abiding citizens.
We are well past that... We have a massive surplus of criminals as a result of drug prohibition and mandatory minimums...

Our prison populations are absurd...

Reason and economics won't appeal to people on ending this grand experiment with prohibition II, but prison revolts and budget busting budgets might...

(the obligatory disclaimer that addicts and dealers can all die of the plague for all I care, but that doesn't make prohibition II make any more sense than prohibition I)
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