Stupid things at the range...

Mar 14, 2005
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..what are some of the more stupid things you see at the range?

Once, was a guy who was using 3 lanes (indoor). He had 3 shilouettes at different distances, and was firing at them, while walking TOWARDS them, like a navy-seal clearing a house. He was also had 3 mags, one per target, 3 rounds in each, enogh to do 2+1 shots.

Also, I always see people doing rapid fire to simulate defensive tactics, but they manualy pull their mags out and take refreshers off the table, then continue..

I dunno, all seems to train the mind what NOT to do...
I was on lane 8 (16 lane indoor range) with a friend (atty) on lane 7 one Sunday morning. I have my gun raised, ready to fire when my friend yells something like "hold it". Just then out of the corner of my eye, I spot a jerk walking downrange in lane 1 to change his target.

When we chewed him out (the 3 of us were the only ones there), his response was that we obviously knew what we were doing and since we were 6-7 lanes away "it was OK". This guy also had a Bud on the bench, another violation of rules and common sense. He did a few more things shortly afterwards, was called to a BOD meeting and expelled from the club.
We've got about 220 acres, so it's obvious that the club boundries are about as secure as the US-Canada border. We walk around and put up signs every 10 yards or so every dew years, but neighbors and wandering kids tend to pull them down, even though we put them about 50ft on our side of the property lines. A few years back some people were shooting on the rifle range, when somebory called cease fire. It seemed they'd spotted a couple of women riding horseback along the line of the berm, which is at least 300 yards from the nearest club boundry. The yell at them that (1) they're on private property and (2) incase they haven't noticed it, people are shooting in their general direction. One of the women (turns out it was the mother of the other rider) gets all indignant and starts lecturing about it being a free country and how they can ride any where they like. One of the guys yells back that that's fine, just tell us where you live so that we can go shoot in your backyard while you're riding on our club. The woman just snorts, sticks her nose up in the air, and keeps on riding across our range. I don't think I've ever seem greater restraint exercised.

LenS said:
This guy also had a Bud on the bench, another violation of rules and common sense. He did a few more things shortly afterwards, was called to a BOD meeting and expelled from the club.
And in volation of 269/10H...

Some people just have NO right owning firearms..... Just like some people shouldnt drive....
The place where we shoot cannot properly be called a range, so it requires extra diligence on our part. Rockdoc and I were shooting one day when a kid and his girlfriend drove up precisely halfway between our M1s and the SR-1 targets posted on an 8' board. We cleared our rifles and I hiked over to tell him that he was in the middle of two high-powered rifles and a set of targets but he was unmoved. The significance was not lost on his girlfriend, however, and she said "Let's get out of here." The kid didn't seem to intend to be uncooperative, but I suspect he was under the influence of something that made him excessively mellow.

Last week we were again shooting the M1s and a kid on a motorcycle stopped next to us only because I flagged him down. Before we had a chance to clear, he wheeled right in front of me, saying "I just want to go up this hill." I don't know what it is that makes a guy comfortable in front of a loaded M1, but I don't think it's courage or brains.
What happened to me was a case of a parent not keeping an eye on his kid. I'm all for exposing the youngin's to shooting, but keep an eye on them and remind them that they're a lot shorter than we are...

I was at the range and a dad was practicing pistol with his son on a .22 rifle a lane over. The kid got antsy and was walking around with his rifle- barrel on his shoulder. As I was walking by, the kid is hopping around backwards and bumps into me with his rifle barrel pointed directly up to my chin. I don't care if it's loaded or not, I don't want any gun pointed at my head.

I gave the dad a look and he yelled at his son to be more careful, but I still think that it wouldn't have been an issue if the dad had seen that his kid was antsy and it was time to go. Especially since he's hopping around with a gun...
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