Student protests misguided.

Commie teachers, hollweirdos, and msm libtards organize youngsters walkout....


Same day, collage kids gather on broward county beaches

6BCD983F-C0B9-40FE-AB13-79DFC09CFD7B.jpeg Meh, the commies grip on the kids comes with a promise of media coverage and time out of class.

2 years later they take time out for Boose and ass.:cool:
The pathetic part is that there are many students like my own 14 year-old who understand that this is a rigged deal.

This. I listen to the Ben Shapiro podcast, and a good part of today’s show was reading emails from high school students. They were were pro 2A, but conflicted about sitting out the protest because then everyone would say they were unsympathetic to the victims. They are aware that the media pretends they don’t exist and focus on the minority that supports GC. There is hope for the younger generation yet!
these kids are f***tards

Moonbat says semiautomatic guns are not used for self defense in civilized societies. I tell her after firing your single-shot break-action pistol, you should plan to draw your sword.
The mainstream media are celebrating the “walkout” as an authentic expression of outrage that demands a response from political leaders. But it is not, and there are at least five lies they are telling you about it.

Lie #1: The “walkout” is being staged by students.
Lie #2: The “walkout” is voluntary.
Lie #3: The “walkout” is not about gun control.
Lie #4: The “walkout” is non-partisan.
Lie #5: If you oppose the “walkout,” you support violence against children.

Full article at:
Pollak: Five Lies About the Student 'Walkout' for Gun Control | Breitbart

Dana's commercial points out just how violent and dangerous these liberal, radical left wing protests are. They are being shipped in to college campuses, and many times are compensated to do so. They will go to any length to shut down a conservative viewpoint from being shared. It's about time someone called a spade a spade IMO.

The NRA appears as an arm of the Republican party due to the fact that the left (majority of democrats) have lopped themselves off from the body of reason, and have total disregard for the Bill of Rights.

The Trump administration is only toxic to the left. It is they (and I include the main stream media) that have done nothing but bash and resist everything this administration has tried to do, and ignore every good thing that has been accomplished.

Now, I am not trying to get into a political confrontation here, but just pointing out that we need the NRA to stay strong, or you can kiss whatever we have left goodbye!

Apparently, the left has control of most teachers, and therefore the kids. We need to talk to our children and explain that removing the tool from the law abiding will not deter the criminal, nor will it make them any safer.

Just the view from my saddle.

My position is that the NRA should be narrowly focused on gun rights in order to draw as many sympathetic ears as possible. Dana smearing BLM or burning a copy of the New York Times is at best tangentially related to gun rights. The NRA is an advocacy program for gun rights. It should hold no other opinions that compromise their ability to advocate gun rights. Organizations like FIRE and FFRF are good examples of narrowly focused advocacy groups that draw people from across the ideological spectrum.

I'm not suggesting that the NRA become weak. I'm suggesting they pick their battles. I don't see how 99% of the daily squabbling regarding the Trump administration has anything to do with gun rights. Nor does 99% of the silliness coming from liberal campuses. The NRA should not go charging into other battles.

An example: The NRA's mealy mouthed stance of the Philandro Castille shooting was disgraceful. A lawfully licensed CWP was shot dead by a jumpy cop. It's a gun owner's worse nightmare. But because BLM picked up the issue, the NRA backed off. Shameful. A wasted opportunity to advocate gun rights in political territory that is usually inaccessible.

I say this as someone with mostly liberal political leanings that is also a full supporter of 2A. Gun control is not a universally held opinion on the left nationally. Even when the D's controlled the government during Obama, it wasn't a top priority and nothing of substance was done on that front. But by so closely associating itself with the far right (say, by staffing the NRA with righty radio personalities), they make any kind of nonpartisan advocacy unlikely. The NRA should be positioning itself to work with anyone, no matter what other non-gun positions they hold, that is willing to support gun rights. Why the NRA is going to bat for Trump, who at best is reluctantly lukewarm on gun rights, is a mystery to me.

All their chest puffing is accomplishing is confirming what everyone already suspects: the NRA's mission has creeped well beyond it's original scope.
Overheard a conversation amongst some young folks during the planning stages of the "walkout". As near as I could ascertain, the totality of the discussion was where the party was, who was going, and with whom.
Can you please mod the title to be more accurate and remove the word "protest" from the title?

If I do that, I would have to insert the word brainwashed somewhere! :)

Couldn't agree more! A protest is to go against the grain....if you're swimming with the fish in the stream...well protest is a bit misleading huh?

Agreed. It was organized by The Women's March folks. You know, the ones with the funny pink hats. Pure political agenda using the kids as a front for maximum impact. It's what "they" (the liberal left) do!

Some of the signs were gems too. Crazy stuff.

"The Second Amendment isn't meant to protect our citizens"

Here are some #NationalWalkoutDay signs that'll make you go 'HMM' (Founders unavailable for comment)

Anybody see the the three girls who had a sign that said, "Why is the White House a gun free zone, while schools are not!"

HAH!!! How confused are these kids? There are more M-4s, sniper rifles, Mac-10s, Uzis and God know what else in and around the WH than you would find in a gun store! Her school, on the other hand, is a gun free zone!

I remember these kids from high school. They were the know it all, annoying turds that no one could stand. Now they have a calling. I wonder how many of them really gave a crap about gun laws before February? I'll fancy a guess, 0%
The NRA's "hard on crime", failure to embrace sexual diversity (beyond the two main genders), failure to call out the war on drugs as a failure, the claimed linkage of rights to God, and failure to speak of MJ legalization as an expansion of freedom all serve to create the impression that the NRA stands for the full Republic agenda, not just gun rights.
So my liberal friends have used MA as the poster-child for no school gun violence. They ask, "Tell me how many mass shootings there were in Mass?"....I grew up in Missouri, which recently has gone to a constitutional carry state. I counter with asking "How many mass school shootings have occurred in Missouri?.

According to the FBI Massachusetts is the most violent state in the entire Northeast, not just New England. Yes we have "less" shootings, mainly because suicides are considered shootings and murders (of oneself) and we have less of those, but don't walk downtown in the combat zone at night alone...
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