Store In New Hampshire, Parking Lot in Massachusetts (Legal Implications)

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After looking at Google Maps (after I originally posted) I realized that---I had always assumed the line was some designation for where the border was but upon looking at the satellite it was obvious the state line was in an entirely different place. Thank you for the clarification on what it actually is for [grin].

Also another tid bit of information is that the corner of the JC Penny store had to be cut off from the mall because it was mistakenly going to be built in Massachusetts, forcing them to charge sales tax in the entire store.

I would just stay out of the south parking lot if I were a NH resident, or better yet stay away from Nashua [laugh]
Say a New Hampshire resident parked unknowingly in Massachusetts. That person would potentially be charged with a felony for crossing that line in the mall parking lot going to their car with ammo or firearms purchased legally in New Hampshire. It really is a strange one but could be a potential problem. I really hate that I might be giving law enforcement any ideas but do you think there would be any leniency because of this interesting situation? Should Dick's or the mall do more about warning unknowing customers about this?
FOPA should apply, it'd be an interesting test case.

I would just stay out of the south parking lot if I were a NH resident, or better yet stay away from Nashua [laugh]
Nashua is fine, I am more concerned about accidentally crossing the border in the Salem area than in Nashua.
What is the FACTUAL basis for this guess about Tyngsboro PD Boghog? I rest my case [rolleyes]

WTF are you talking about? Do you really think a LEO is going to tell me there is no problem if I happen over the border with my Glock 19 with 15 rounds I am not going to get jacked up if some ahole calls the cop on me for some stupid reason like accidentally cutting him off and I happen to be wearing a Glock T shirt and I don't/can't get a license to carry in your shithole state because I will be restricted to sporting and target only unless I can prove I blew Barney Frank? I can cite cases on a daily basis where some law abiding citizen is screwed over by the system and not just in MA but in every other state in the country.

Seriously you are calling me out because I refuse to take my chances with MA laws an the malicious prosecutors you have in that state GFY
Many, many years ago. However, Dick's is only a couple years old. The issue of gun and ammo sales at the mall hasn't been an issue until recently.

but the issue of a New Hampshire resident possessing a gun and stepping onto the MA portion of the parking lot has not changed. The addition of Dick's doesn't really change the fact that it has never been a problem.
but the issue of a New Hampshire resident possessing a gun and stepping onto the MA portion of the parking lot has not changed. The addition of Dick's doesn't really change the fact that it has never been a problem.

Because most every resident in NH knows not to carry in MA
Because most every resident in NH knows not to carry in MA

I think the whole point of this thread is the fact that people don't realize they are in MA when they are in that portion of the parking lot.
I think the whole point of this thread is the fact that people don't realize they are in MA when they are in that portion of the parking lot.


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but the issue of a New Hampshire resident possessing a gun and stepping onto the MA portion of the parking lot has not changed. The addition of Dick's doesn't really change the fact that it has never been a problem.

No, but it has to do with what you posted regarding people not knowing or not realizing. Really easy to pick up a couple of boxes of ammo, wander through the mall and then go to your parked car outside Sears or Penney's and being in Massachusetts unknowingly.
Work on your geography and map reading skills, the lot in front of Dicks is in no way shape or form in MA at any point.

I'm as irked by some of the things police do any get away with as anybody but you are off base with the bold. I think the more weak minded here like to throw in these little shots at the cops with no basis because they think its the conventional wisdom here or the way to endear themselves to the forum. It is easily lost on people that the majority of cops don't give a shit about the fact that you are lawfully armed and in fact 100% support the idea. I criticize the profession quite a bit and I've actually spent some sworn time in it as well before the .mil. It amazes me that you could actually think that the Tyngsboro cops are sitting someplace with binoculars just trying to jam up some unknowing NH citizen who wonders into MA temporarily with guns or ammo. "Oh yea Sarge, we watched for this guy to place one wheel on the MA line knowing he had just walked out of Dicks with Ammo and pounced, where is our medal?". Bullshit. The Sgt and/or LT would be pissed that they were woken up or dragged out of the gym, off facebook or away from the game and now have to do a bunch of work for such BS. They would likely send the arrested home and play it off as a "mistake" if they even had cops on the street who were dumb enough to waste their own time and the towns resources on such BS.

In the other case citied, it is easily ignored that there are other things going on besides the firearm issue. That does not make the firearm charges any less than unconstitutional BS as always but once the cops get involved certain things usually necessarily follow when law violations are found. No I dont agree with that.

Still, its troublesome that
1) People actually worry about this crap
2) People think the cops are just rubbing their hands together looking to jam people up. They are not generally anti 2A, not by a long shot. Statists in alot of cases, yes. Against your right to own and carry a gun? Not at all, generally speaking.

To entertain your question about leniency, yes, I think you would not have a problem if, in the exact situation you describe, you wandered unknowing into MA within a confined parking lot and happened to get caught. They would tell you to get out of their sight and don't do it again. They don't consider jamming up otherwise law abiding people their idea of fun. Cops are generally after scumbags who we would also hate and all players in the drug trade which alot of us, myself included, do not often agree with absent other, more severe crime. If said people also happen to also be possessing firearms illegally, they will be happy to throw the book at them but this whole looking for NRA, Goal and NES stickers or people walking out of the gun shop to jam up is complete fantasy and shows your lack of any real life experience if you post that kind of shit here. Where do you think you can find the cops when they are not working? Buying ammo, buying guns, driving cars with NRA stickers, etc.

First of all, the whole geography has already been covered here (maybe if you have read the whole thread...). I made an incorrect assumption about what a particular yellow line in the parking lot meant. It still does not change the facts or validity of my question and the FACT that more than a third of the parking lot is in Massachusetts.

Second, regarding you calling into question my concern that this would be a problem let me ask you a question. Do you pay attention to anything at all? You do realize Massachusetts law enforcement does exactly what you are dismissing for stupid fireworks, right? They stake people out buying in New Hampshire and nail them once they cross into Massachusetts. And you don't think they would do it for firearms? You are living in a fantasy world if you think what I described is out of the realm of possibility.

And I do agree with you that the vast majority of rank and file officers on the street are not looking to jam people up for stuff like this. But they have bosses (who also have bosses, who also have bosses who many times don't have the on the street police mentality)...and at the end of the day you generally do what you are told to do or you don't last very long.
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WTF are you talking about? Do you really think a LEO is going to tell me there is no problem if I happen over the border with my Glock 19 with 15 rounds...

Gun charges in MA tend to be non-discretionary arrests. One of the issues is that the officer cannot simply confiscate a gun without paperwork, and is certainly not going to let an illegally carried gun walk.
Gun charges in MA tend to be non-discretionary arrests. One of the issues is that the officer cannot simply confiscate a gun without paperwork, and is certainly not going to let an illegally carried gun walk.

So me staying out of MA is not me being a paranoid, if I am caught with a firearm accidentally in MA I am getting screwed even if only temporarily. Where as if I was a punk thug that didn't obey laws it wouldn't mean shit because I would be out in months if I ever served time and carrying again that gat I stole or bought on the street or through a straw purchase.
I think this has pretty much been beaten to death.
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