I saw a poster in Zero Hour Arms the other day. It listed the vendors . . . less than a handful of gun/ammo dealers! Almost all fishing, boating, etc. vendors.
A few years ago I worked the GOAL table there, as I recall I don't think we sold a single GOAL membership there that day. The folks that attended weren't shooters and weren't there for shooting supplies, etc.
The Holbrook Show is a much better take, although it is small by anyone's standard.
Thanks Len. I'll probably give it a pass then. I like the Holbrook show, small as it is. Last year I got a good deal on a S&W Model 10. With every passing show when I see what the same gun in much worse condition is going for, I realize how good a deal it was. <G>
Only thing I know about the Standish show is that a guy I know thats big into hunting and fishing goes and loves it. Myself i'm running out of funds and any end of the month show is bad for me since bills are due at the same time. :x
I'll be hitting Holbrook though because there was a guy at the last one with a Mosin I should have grabbed but didn't. Hopefully he'll be there with it this time. Plus I need more ammo cans and can get a good deal there on em'.
Interesting little show. I got there right at 9:00 and spent about an hour. Other than a Friends of the NRA raffle ticket, I didn't buy anything. More gun dealers than I expected, including MilSurps. For it's size a lot of Mil Surps, but with high prices. Mostly Mosin Nagant bolt actions, but some SKS and other stuff. One guy had a couple of K31s, but in only good condition. No deals on ammo. Definitely more for hunters and fisherman then shooters or collectors.
However, it did inspire me to order a M38 from a C&R dealer on line. The difference in cost will go to ammo.