Sr9 question

Standard capacity is 17 rounds.... except in MA, and other non-free states, in which it is only 10 rounds.
Is the ruger sr9 considered large complicity or low compacity?

The answer is "yes"!

Unless you currently have a LTC-B, put down whatever you like. I've seen guns sold by dealers as large-cap on the FA-10 and the same gun as low-cap. That checkbox matters not unless you are stuck with a LTC-B (until expiration).

GCAB took a position that they were NOT adding things like M&Ps to the large-cap roster on the basis that they were never sold in MA legally to the subjects with large-cap mags and thus were low-cap in MA. An argument can be made either way and it is like "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin" . . . of no practical value.
Another reason why the impending death of the LTC-B is a good thing. The guys saddled with that POS probably get more shit from dealers and people who don't know what they're talking about, etc. It really was the "(B)astard" license.

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