Special Report: Senator McCain on Guns


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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This is from the Glenn Beck newsletter:

My support for the 2nd Amendment
By John McCain

Glenn Beck fans, gun rights are an important issue, and I wanted to share with you some highlights of the speech I will deliver today at the National Rifle Association annual meeting. I think they will give you some good insight into my strong belief in the Second Amendment.

"When I first ran for Congress in 1982, I was proud to have the support of gun owners. For more than two decades, I've opposed efforts to ban guns, ban ammunition, ban magazines, and dismiss gun owners as some kind of fringe group unwelcome in "modern" America. The Second Amendment isn't some archaic custom that matters only to rural Americans, who find solace in firearms out of frustration with their economic circumstances. The Second Amendment is unique in the world. It guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms. To argue anything else is to reject the clear meaning of our Founding Fathers.

"Self-reliance is the ethic that made America great, and our Founders understood that. They knew there would be circumstances where Americans might need to use firearms to protect themselves and their families. Some Second Amendment detractors think this is a mere abstraction, or a relic of America's distant past. But Americans exercise their Second Amendment rights every day to protect themselves from criminals, as happened in Scottsdale, Arizona where earlier this year, a 74-year-old woman defended her home from a man who repeatedly attempted to break in, extort money and threatened to set fire to her garage. The Second Amendment - and its guarantee of an individual right to keep and bear arms - is certainly not an abstraction.

"But the clear meaning of the Second Amendment has not stopped those who want to punish firearms owners - and those who make and sell firearms - for the actions of criminals. It seems like every time there is a particularly violent crime, the anti-gun activists demand yet another restriction on the Second Amendment. I opposed the ban on so-called 'assault weapons,' which was first proposed after a California schoolyard shooting. It makes no sense to ban a class of firearms based on cosmetic features. I have opposed waiting periods for gun purchases."


"Like your members, I am a committed conservationist. I have long supported multiple uses for public lands that ensure they are available for this and future generations to hunt, fish and explore. Over 12 million hunters in the United States contribute $25 billion to the economy, much of it in rural areas. Hunters pay billions of dollars in federal revenue through license and other fees. Here in Kentucky, hunters spend over $400 million and support thousands of jobs."


"Over the years, I haven't agreed with the NRA on every issue. I have supported efforts to have NICS background checks apply to gun sales at gun shows. I recognize that gun shows are enjoyed by millions of law-abiding Americans. I do not support efforts by those who seek to regulate them out of existence. But I believe an accurate, fair and instant background check at guns shows is a reasonable requirement. I also oppose efforts to require federal regulation of all private sales such as the transfer between a father and son or husband and wife. I supported campaign finance reform because I strongly believed our system of financing campaigns was influencing elected officials to put the interests of "soft money" donors ahead of the public interest. It is neither my purpose nor the purpose of the legislation to prevent gun owners or any other group of citizens from making their voices heard in the legislative process.

"Those disagreements do not detract from my long record of support for the Second Amendment and the work we have done together to protect the rights of gun owners from the political attitudes of the moment in Washington that view the Second Amendment as a once quaint custom that must now yield to the judgment of modern enlightened opinion. We have real differences with the Democratic candidates for President. They have learned something since 2000. They don't talk about their plans for gun control. They claim to support hunters and gun owners. But just because they don't talk about gun control doesn't mean they won't support gun control. Let's be clear. If either Senator Clinton or Senator Obama is elected President, the rights of law-abiding gun owners will be at risk. They have both voted as Senators to ban guns or ban ammunition or to allow gun makers to be sued out of existence.

"It seems every election, politicians who support restrictions on the Second Amendment dress up in camouflage and pose with guns to demonstrate they care about hunters, even though few gun owners fall for such obvious political theater. After Senator Obama made his unfortunate comment that Pennsylvanians 'cling to guns and religion' out of bitterness, Senator Clinton quickly affirmed her support for the Second Amendment. That drew Senator Obama's derision. 'She's running around talking about how this is an insult to sportsmen, how she values the Second Amendment,' he said. 'Like she's on the duck blind every Sunday, . . . packin' a six shooter!' Someone should tell Senator Obama that ducks are usually hunted with shotguns.

"Senator Obama hopes he can get away with having it both ways. He says he believes that the Second Amendment confers an individual right to bear arms. But when he had a chance to weigh in on the most important Second Amendment case before the U.S. Supreme Court in decades, District of Columbia v. Heller, Senator Obama dodged the question by claiming, 'I don't like taking a stand on pending cases.' He refused to sign the amicus brief signed by a bipartisan group of 55 Senators arguing that the Supreme Court should overturn the DC gun ban in the Heller case. When he was running for the State Senate in Illinois, his campaign filled out a questionnaire asking whether he supported legislation to ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns with simple, 'Yes.'

"The Heller case should be decided soon. But however that case is decided, the federal judiciary will continue to be an important forum for protecting Second Amendment rights. The next President will appoint literally hundreds of federal judges, and is likely to have the opportunity to nominate one or more Supreme Court justices."


"Quite rightly, the proper role of the judiciary has become one of the defining issues of this presidential election. It will fall to the next president to nominate qualified men and women to the federal courts, and the choices we make will reach far into the future. My two prospective opponents and I have very different ideas about the nature and proper exercise of judicial power. We would nominate judges of a different kind, a different caliber, a different understanding of judicial authority and its limits. And the people of America - voters in both parties whose wishes and convictions are so often disregarded by unelected judges - are entitled to know what those differences are."


"The decisions of our Supreme Court in particular can be as close to permanent as anything government does. And in the presidential selection of those who will write those decisions, a hunch, a hope, and a good first impression are not enough. I will not seek the confidence of the American people in my nominees until my own confidence is complete - until I am certain of my nominee's ability, wisdom, and demonstrated fidelity to the Constitution."


"But I would like to close my remarks with an issue that I know is much on the mind of Americans - the war in Iraq. Senator Obama has said, if elected, he will withdraw Americans from Iraq quickly no matter what the situation on the ground is and no matter what U.S. military commanders advise. But if we withdraw prematurely from Iraq, al Qaeda in Iraq will survive, proclaim victory and continue to provoke sectarian tensions that, while they have been subdued by the success of the surge, still exist, and are ripe for provocation by al Qaeda. Civil war in Iraq could easily descend into genocide, and destabilize the entire region as neighboring powers come to the aid of their favored factions. A reckless and premature withdrawal would be a terrible defeat for our security interests and our values. Iran will view it as a victory, and the biggest state supporter of terrorists, a country with nuclear ambitions and a stated desire to destroy the State of Israel, will see its influence in the Middle East grow significantly.

The consequences of our defeat would threaten us for years, and those who argue for premature withdrawal, as both Senators Obama and Clinton do, are arguing for a course that would eventually draw us into a wider and more difficult war that would entail far greater dangers and sacrifices than we have suffered to date. Thanks to the counterinsurgency instigated by General Petreaus, after four years of terribly costly mistakes, we have a realistic chance to succeed in helping the forces of political reconciliation prevail in Iraq, and the democratically elected Iraqi Government, with a professional and competent Iraqi army, impose its authority throughout the country and defend its borders. We have a realistic chance of denying al Qaeda any sanctuary in Iraq. We have a realistic chance of leaving behind in Iraq a force for stability and peace in the region, and not a cause for a wider and far more dangerous war. I do not argue against withdrawal because I am indifferent to war and the suffering it inflicts on too many American families. I hold my position because I hate war, and I know very well and very personally how grievous its wages are. But I know, too, that we must sometimes pay those wages to avoid paying even higher ones later. I want our soldiers home, too, just as quickly as we can bring them back without risking everything they suffered for, and burdening them with greater sacrifices in the years ahead. That I will not do. I have spent my life in service to my country, and I will never, never, never risk her security for the sake of my own ambitions. I will defend her, and all her freedoms, so help me God. And I ask you to help me in that good cause. Thank you, and God bless you."
McCain knows he has to appeal to the gun owners, otherwise they simply will stay home or will spoil their votes on Barr. I'm glad he's making the effort, because he is by far the least of the three evils.
OK folks,its time to stop 40years of fence sitting.Get the picketts out of your butts and for God sake vote for the right to bear arms.This may be our last hope.Call me nuts, but we are at the end of our rope.
Talk is cheap. What about his record?

From Gun Owners of America's web page John McCain: Conservative or Gun-Grabber?

John McCain: Conservative or Gun-Grabber?

GOA Ratings For John McCain

2000 C--
2002 C--
2004 F--
2006 F--

John McCain's Liberal Record

John McCain Is A Liberal Gun Grabber
John McCain Funded By Soros Since 2001
John McCain's Top 10 Class-Warfare Arguments Against Tax Cuts
The Geraldo Rivera Republican
Democrats Say McCain Nearly Abandoned GOP
America's Foolish European Wannabes
Refutation Of "A Day At The Beach" Charge
Andy Card -- I Have Seen McCain's Anger
McCain's Character -- A Disaster Waiting To Happen
Sen. McCain: I Don't Have A Temper
John McCain: Liberal In Disguise
Friendly Fire: McCain Has Some Explaining To Do
John McCain: Liberal In Disguise
McCain's Constitution
Softening The Skeptics
McCain's War On Political Speech
Lobbying Reforms Unconstitutional
McCain: Major League Hypocrite
McCain's Gun Control Ad

John McCain's Voting Record On Gun-Related Issues

109th Congress: Lock Up Your Safety
108th Congress: McCain Puts Gun Shows In Peril
107th Congress: Incumbent Protection Muzzles Gun Owners
106th Congress: Anti-gun Amendments Abound

GOA Alerts Mentioning John McCain

Limiting Speech Of 527 Organizations
Shutting Down Websites Prior To Elections
Will Congress Ditch John McCain's Internet Regulations?
McCain Still Trying To Gag Gun Owner Criticism Of His Anti-gun Record
McCain Moves To Punish Grassroots Groups For Congress' Controversy
McCain Looks To Cripple Gun Shows
Incumbent Protection Could Come Up At Any Time
Senators McCain & Lieberman Introduce Anti-gun Monstrosity
Senate Could Soon Ban Private Sales
Senate Passes Incumbent Protection
Senate OK's Free Speech Restrictions
McCain-Feingold Up In The Senate This Week
Incumbent Protection Threatens GOA's Existence
McCain Wants More Gun Control
Presidential Campaign Advisory
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Over the years, I haven't agreed with the NRA on every issue. I have supported efforts to have NICS background checks apply to gun sales at gun shows. ... I also oppose efforts to require federal regulation of all private sales such as the transfer between a father and son or husband and wife

Great, he's already committed to surrendering the next baby step the anti-gun camp is trying for. I wonder if they'll be happy with that and cease their efforts to disarm us.

"Hey, you kids! I don't want you drag racing up and down my street. Here's a 5-gallon can of gas."

"I didn't support the extermination of Jews. I just wanted to help build the ovens."
Over Two Decades In The Senate...

...and he still doesn't know what a conservative is.

While he may be the lesser of evils, it isn't 'by far'.

John "Juan" McCain

The question is how did we allow this RINO to be our nominee in the first damn place??

How the Republican Party Committed National Suicide By JB Williams

Who Hijacked the Primaries? by Brett Winterble

The Death of Conservatism? 43 Mistakes and the GOP's Dobson's Choice

GOP Leads Astray

A Social Conservative Has A ‘Come To Jesus’ Chat
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This says it all.

No, he's far better. Not because of his own record, but because there will be far less pressure for pro-gun moderate Democrats to vote for anti-gun legislation with him in office than there would be if Hillbama was in office.
I can see I'm going to have to rely on, of all idiots, Willard Romney to make my point for me on this subject. While this was about another one of his many flip-flops you should readily see the parallel in this most basic of political truths;

“There’s something to be said for having a Republican who supports civil rights in this broader context, including sexual orientation. When Ted Kennedy speaks on gay rights, he’s seen as an extremist. When Mitt Romney speaks on gay rights he’s seen as a centrist and a moderate. It’s a little like if Eugene McCarthy was arguing in favor of recognizing China, people would have called him a nut. But when Richard Nixon does it, it becomes reasonable. When Ted says it, it’s extreme; when I say it, it’s mainstream."

Romney's thoughts on gay marriage, circa 1994 http://www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2006/12/romneys_thought.html

( You'll also remember it was Willard who gave Massachusetts the permanent 'Assault weapons ban' because "they wanted it" and the Brady bill. )

The bottom line here is that we're going to have to overwhelm him with calls, emails and letters to make sure he tows the conservative line...no more RINO "maverick" crap. NO Amnesty, NO More Destruction of our First or Second Amendment Rights and what the hell is this new kick about 'global warming'??

U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007
Senate Report Debunks "Consensus"
Report Released on December 20, 2007
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I totally agree McCain is not a great candidate,but besides Hilly Bamajama he is the best and only choice this time around.Let's pray McCain gets in,gets smart,or gets replaced by a better Republican next time.
He's our only choice due to exactly the reasons I posted on #8 AND we better do some serious house cleaning before the next election or we'll wind up in the same exact mess!

Here it is so you don't have to turn the page;

How the Republican Party Committed National Suicide By JB Williams

Who Hijacked the Primaries? by Brett Winterble

The Death of Conservatism? 43 Mistakes and the GOP's Dobson's Choice

GOP Leads Astray

A Social Conservative Has A ‘Come To Jesus’ Chat
I totally agree McCain is not a great candidate,but besides Hilly Bamajama he is the best and only choice this time around.Let's pray McCain gets in,gets smart,or gets replaced by a better Republican next time.

You need to read Scrivener's signature.
BTW, do you know what all those attempts to ban, or at least strictly regulate guns reminds me?
I give you a hint.
In USSR, according to all the laws, citizens had a freedom of religion.
In reality, if someone openly declared that he or she beleives in God, or went to the church, or attended religious events, this person was in serious trouble. No, it was not a legal punishment for being religious. It could be a loss of a good job, an exclusion from university, and so on.

Does anyone see some similarities here?
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