Somethings Happening Here...What It Is Ain't Exactly Clear

Jan 14, 2024
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Howdy Commie C&R Lovers,

I don't know what's become of my will power. I've been trying to not buy any more guns...but I'm a sucker for a deal. This beautiful as issued no import stamp '51 Tula SKS kinda jumped out at me, for less than half what I thought it was worth, only a month or so after a '54 light refurb appeared. She's rough around the edges but should clean up wonderfully. Inbound to Kali from Oregon. Picked up a Ruger M96 .22lr lever and a RIA M1600 AR .22lr clone too. :cool: PAX

Thanks guys, it made Kali bail yesterday. Both it and the RIA. Kalli has a fresh 1 in 30 day 4473 transfer now :( More stupid, PAX
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