"social distancing"; isolation and depression - suicides increase.


NES Member
Feb 23, 2014
GA; (CT escapee)
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I don't generally post in this forum, it's for "military-bubbas" - and I've never served.

My son is medically retired after 11 years, he's coping pretty well, but he's definitely got some issues and his mom and I worry, some days more than others.

There's plenty of help out there.....but they're not seeking out patients, the patient has to seek them out. Stay on it and make a difference.

This national pandemic and the mostly mild consequences so far speaks volumes of the ruggedness and determination of those who lived through years of real and actual hardship in the early 1900's.
I belong to a Facebook page that caters to Veterans that like to joke around with each other, but a big part of the page is also to provide support to those that having issues. I've seen 50-60 fellow vets jump onboard a post by another vet asking for help due to feeling like it would be better to be dead. Phone calls happen all the time to help these guys and gals out. It's a sombering thing to witness. Unfortunately with unemployment and quarantining some people are having a rough time and these kinds of posts are starting to be more frequent. Just last weekend a guy posted a picture of a case of beer and his handgun saying tonight was the night. Fellow vets got him help right away and were able to avert the disaster, but for how long is always a question. It's getting tough out there for some......
My son is medically retired after 11 years, he's coping pretty well, but he's definitely got some issues and his mom and I worry, some days more than others.

He's medically retired from the military, correct? He must have an affiliation with a local VA if that's the case. I can honestly say that the local VA clinic here on the Cape is very tuned in to veteran's suicide and I would hope that he can find the same attention near his local VA hospital or clinic. But he or an advocate has to make that call or visit. Encourage him to make contact.
He's medically retired from the military, correct? He must have an affiliation with a local VA if that's the case. I can honestly say that the local VA clinic here on the Cape is very tuned in to veteran's suicide and I would hope that he can find the same attention near his local VA hospital or clinic. But he or an advocate has to make that call or visit. Encourage him to make contact.

Yes; field artillery, tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, some living in FOBs, some closer quarters work in cities. He's working with the local VA; he's employed, and he's on meds. Neither of us think that he is suicidal, but we're his parents and we worry.

I don't sleep in, I'm usually up by 5 or 6 - and I write code - so if I have a flash at 2, 3 or 4 in the morning - I get up and write code. All too often, when I'm sitting in my office way before sunup - he comes rolling by because he can't sleep.

It's worse lately because his usual patterns have been disrupted; the gym is closed and the kids are here 24/7.

The happiest I see him is when he comes home and the dogs jump all over him. He spends time with them, and I think it's good for him.

That's enough - I don't want to turn this thread's focus onto my family - we're getting through this.
That's enough - I don't want to turn this thread's focus onto my family - we're getting through this.

Understand. You're doing just about all you can do by being supportive. No one questions why you're worried. Anyone in the same position would be. The good thing is that he's in touch with the VA and let's hope they're doing all they can do to make sure he's OK.

The world is upside down right now with all this virus crap going on and hopefully it'll get better soon. Things around the country are opening up (meh.......except here in MA) so life will soon return to some sort of new normal. Can't be any worse than it is right now I suspect. I wish you, your son and family best wishes. Hang in there!!
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