"Shot that killed hog hunter recorded by woman's firearm" (SC)

yeah...no walking away from that one.

I've never hog hunted before, but what is the fatality rate for shooting one in the face as opposed to center mass? Had it been center mass I could understand the possible accident but shooting it in the head? Is it a case that she's a lousy shot and if so then that's just bad luck.
Not being familiar with thermal scopes, can you see enough to clearly identify your target and distinguish between an animal and a human down on all fours?
she was likely hunting with a rifle. if given the opportunity, I would probably go for a headshot as well. all depends on range/conditions/how comfortable the shooter is with her zero. this probably doesn't mean much, but if you're comfortable with what you're shooting and how you're shooting it, head shots are not out of the question.
Not being familiar with thermal scopes, can you see enough to clearly identify your target and distinguish between an animal and a human down on all fours?

I would say if you're not certain it's a hog don't pull the trigger. However, I can see how it would be easy to assume anything on four legs is a target. Don't crawl around on all fours at night during a hog hunt, I guess.
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How disorganized was the hunt if people are downrange. Was she shooting to her sides or something?

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