Shipping Co Requests Arming Vessels

Kerry talks and tosses marshmallows. DOT gives advice where they have no/little expertise. You want defensive advice? - go to DOD. The fire hose would be effective, if combined with high-speed, hard projectiles. The hose would help clean up the mess...
I wouldn't mind the fire hose idea so much if they brought the water to a boiling temperature before squirting it at the pirates. Wow.... I'd pay to see the video of that.
They should hire this guy.

Maybe they figure Kerry talking to them is enough to make the pirates want to kill themselves?
It would be fun shooting them with a fire hose after I caught them, but guns are needed to fight them.
I can't, for the life of me, understand how anyone can possibly expect another person to squirt a fire hose at someone that's firing an AK or some other weapon. The ship and the cargo doesn't even belong to this person that is supposed to put their life out there with a hose for protection. Time to anti-up and provide trained, paid security people to ride these ships.
There was a time when it was official Navy policy to use high pressure STEAM hoses (as ONE part of the strategy) to repel boarders. This was portrayed in the movie The Sand Pebbles.

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