Senator Whitehouse's view on Sotomayor

Nov 7, 2008
The Free State of New Hampshire!!
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I'm not in the least bit amazed at this.. here is the response I received from Whitehouse in regards to Sotomayor:

Thank you for contacting me with your concerns about the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court. I appreciate hearing your views on this matter.

As you know, the Senate is required by the Constitution to give its "Advice and Consent" to the President's nominations for federal judgeships. President
Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to our nation's highest court is an
historic one. Judge Sotomayor has already served with distinction as a United
States District Judge on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of
New York, a position to which she nominated by President George H. W. Bush, and confirmed in 1992. In 1998, she was confirmed to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. In both these capacities, she has been an outstanding jurist.

I appreciate your strongly held views on the gun ownership issue. I believe
that Judge Sotomayor has shown clear deference to existing precedent when
rendering her decisions, including decisions on Second Amendment issues. The
Supreme Court's decision last year in District of Columbia v. Heller
invalidated the District of Columbia law banning handgun possession. The Court ruled that the District must permit residents to register handguns and to
obtain licenses for possession of handguns in their homes. Judge Sotomayor's opinion in United States v. Sanchez-Villar was issued prior to Heller, so the precedent set by Heller did not apply. And the Maloney v. Cuomo case addressed an issue left undecided by Heller. Ultimately, the Court's decision makes clear that the Constitution assures Americans the right to bear arms, and as a gun owner myself, and an occasionally accurate clay pigeon shooter, I support private ownership of firearms for lawful purposes.

Throughout her career Judge Sotomayor has demonstrated high ethical standards, and a firm commitment to applying our country's laws fairly and faithfully. I have examined Sonia Sotomayor's long and accomplished record of public service, met with her personally, and as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I am looking forward to participating in her confirmation hearings.

Although we may disagree on this issue, I thank you for contacting me, and hope that you will continue to keep me informed of any issue of concern to you.

Sheldon Whitehouse

Sheldon Whitehouse
United States Senator
I actually am rather amazed by that. That doesn't sound like a form letter at all. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he actually personally read and responded to your letter.
I actually am rather amazed by that. That doesn't sound like a form letter at all. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he actually personally read and responded to your letter.

That struck me too. I would take an honest engaged pol (I lived in RI so I don't suggest whitehouse is that per se) who disagreed with me over a dip shit who did any day.
I actually am rather amazed by that. That doesn't sound like a form letter at all. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he actually personally read and responded to your letter.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. Sure as hell wouldn't get that from either of the clowns that "represent" us.
Throughout her career Judge Sotomayor has demonstrated high ethical standards, and a firm commitment to applying our country's laws fairly and faithfully.

Isn't she the one who said something along the lines of "Courts need to go harder on white people and much softer on minorities"?
Isn't she the one who said something along the lines of "Courts need to go harder on white people and much softer on minorities"?

It wasn't that blatant. She said her as a latina could judge with more compassion or some BS thing like that.
It was written by a staffer and signed by auto-pen. Don't be fooled.

It's a lame excuse to say that Sotomayor's decision preceded Heller, if one's objection is that she's anti-2A.
It wasn't that blatant. She said her as a latina could judge with more compassion or some BS thing like that.

She said that she believes as a Latina female, with her range of experience having lived the life of a Latina female, that she would come to a better decision than a white male who had not had the same experiences.

Basically singling out the fact that her rulings will be based on class, gender and race, and not the law or the Constitution.
It was written by a staffer and signed by auto-pen. Don't be fooled.

It's a lame excuse to say that Sotomayor's decision preceded Heller, if one's objection is that she's anti-2A.

So much for the honest response, I just confirmed that someone on the CRAL forum got the same letter. At least it means he is getting a lot of heat from the RI gun owners and felt the need to try to slither up to us by adding the "I'm one of you" crap.
So much for the honest response, I just confirmed that someone on the CRAL forum got the same letter. At least it means he is getting a lot of heat from the RI gun owners and felt the need to try to slither up to us by adding the "I'm one of you" crap.

That still isn't a bad thing that this response is more detailed than it has been in the past. It means he has noticed the interest.
She said that she believes as a Latina female, with her range of experience having lived the life of a Latina female, that she would come to a better decision than a white male who had not had the same experiences.

Basically singling out the fact that her rulings will be based on class, gender and race, and not the law or the Constitution.

And let us not forget how many of her rulings have been overturned.

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