Self defense shoot aftermath in MA vs other state scenario

Sep 3, 2021
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A guy told me in MA if you ever had to use your gun in a self defense situation in your home, even if it's a clear cut castle doctrine justified shoot [perp or perps break down your door and are armed and you gun them down in your living room], cops will come arrest you but ALSO look into the efa10 records and come back to take away ALL of your guns you own to a bonded warehouse while the investigation happens. Is this how it works in other states too? Do you lose ALL of your guns if you had to defend yourself with just one of them?
First off.....on clear cut self defense, where you live, who you know (judges/LEO's, I know a few of both) and who your chief LEO is as to what the response is. Odds are higher in the retarded anti gun towns and cities of something bad happening to you or your collection than in pro 2A places. Saying what would actually happen has so many variables here that its almost impossible.

Second of all EFA10 records are an absolute pile of ass. I can think of many guns I've traded up at KTP that are probably still in my name because there is no disposition records for outgoing transactions out of state. They can use that as a guide but in no way will it be the real list of what's in many collections. I could trade/sell everything I own out of state to a dealer tomorrow and there would be zero EFA10 records of that happening.

This is also why you should have an FFl on call should something happen, as they can take immediate control of the rest of your collection. I also have an LEO friend who is friends with the CLEO in my town that would act as interim communication to make sure they let that happen.
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A guy told me in MA if you ever had to use your gun in a self defense situation in your home, even if it's a clear cut castle doctrine justified shoot [perp or perps break down your door and are armed and you gun them down in your living room], cops will come arrest you but ALSO look into the efa10 records and come back to take away ALL of your guns you own to a bonded warehouse while the investigation happens. Is this how it works in other states too? Do you lose ALL of your guns if you had to defend yourself with just one of them?

Are you like, five? Really? [rofl]

In all seriousness though absolutely nothing is certain about anything in this state, that much you can take to the bank.

I have friends who were arrested for shit that was 110% disabling (if convicted) and magically no cops showed up to collect their guns afterwards. One of them even had his LTC suspended, and still no cops..... In either case they were prudent to get the shit out of their house ASAP and transferred out to dealer possession to ameliorate any possible BS that could happen ahead of time.

In mass its always "?"

In other states its a "?" too but generally speaking the deal is if you get charged/indicted with something disabling, someone MIGHT come to steal all your shit until the dust settles, of course, this process is not straightforward. Like in some states you could legally be in that period armed if they hadn't charged you yet, etc.
Are you like, five? Really? [rofl]

In all seriousness though absolutely nothing is certain about anything in this state, that much you can take to the bank.

I have friends who were arrested for shit that was 110% disabling (if convicted) and magically no cops showed up to collect their guns afterwards. One of them even had his LTC suspended, and still no cops..... In either case they were prudent to get the shit out of their house ASAP and transferred out to dealer possession to ameliorate any possible BS that could happen ahead of time.

In mass its always "?"

In other states its a "?" too but generally speaking the deal is if you get charged/indicted with something disabling, someone MIGHT come to steal all your shit until the dust settles, of course, this process is not straightforward. Like in some states you could legally be in that period armed if they hadn't charged you yet, etc.
Not to mention, how many cases have we posted on this forum of folks involved in SD events in MA (even Boston neighborhoods) and getting no fall out. If I were a smart man, I'd put my retirement into Kimberly-Clark.
A guy told me in MA if you ever had to use your gun in a self defense situation in your home, even if it's a clear cut castle doctrine justified shoot [perp or perps break down your door and are armed and you gun them down in your living room], cops will come arrest you but ALSO look into the efa10 records and come back to take away ALL of your guns you own to a bonded warehouse while the investigation happens. Is this how it works in other states too? Do you lose ALL of your guns if you had to defend yourself with just one of them?
I think it is safe to say that is an alarmist overstatement. Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely in a clear cut defense in your home? I don’t think so.

Realize, however that the worst case legally is you charged with murder, are held without bail, and are convicted and given life in prison. Lethal force is no joke and you better be damn sure it is justified
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A guy told me in MA if you ever had to use your gun in a self defense situation in your home, even if it's a clear cut castle doctrine justified shoot [perp or perps break down your door and are armed and you gun them down in your living room], cops will come arrest you but ALSO look into the efa10 records and come back to take away ALL of your guns you own to a bonded warehouse while the investigation happens. Is this how it works in other states too? Do you lose ALL of your guns if you had to defend yourself with just one of them?

If you can, take a class from Mas Ayoob, and many of your questions will be answered. If you don't know the name, look him up. He's an authority who testifies in courtrooms to defend justified shootings.

I learned a lot from him, as thousands have, and I believe he's teaching in New England this year.

I think it is safe to say that is an alarmist overstatement. Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely in a clear cut defense in your home? I don’t think so.
Isn't it more likely that the DA will sit for 6 months while "considering charges" and then quietly let the thing die on the vine without charges if it's a clean shoot? You get to sweat your nuts off and hire a lawyer and go into witsec while the DA hopes any bad press gets broomed by the current freak out of the day and everyone has forgotten you did a thing.
A guy told me in MA if you ever had to use your gun in a self defense situation in your home, even if it's a clear cut castle doctrine justified shoot [perp or perps break down your door and are armed and you gun them down in your living room], cops will come arrest you but ALSO look into the efa10 records and come back to take away ALL of your guns you own to a bonded warehouse while the investigation happens. Is this how it works in other states too? Do you lose ALL of your guns if you had to defend yourself with just one of them?
I know the guy who said that, he is a well know instructor here
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Isn't it more likely that the DA will sit for 6 months while "considering charges" and then quietly let the thing die on the vine without charges if it's a clean shoot? You get to sweat your nuts off and hire a lawyer and go into witsec while the DA hopes any bad press gets broomed by the current freak out of the day and everyone has forgotten you did a thing.
That is a possibility
If you ask experienced MA defense attorneys I think they will tell you “it depends”. I don’t think sweeping generalizations are accurate.
I agree with yo 100% but this is a copy and paste from another thread a coupe weeks ago

"In MA, if you ever had to use a gun, they will confiscate ALL your guns and LTC. The chances of ever getting any of them back usually is infinitesimal. And PDs don't store guns carefully either, plus have a tendency to engrave the case number into the gun's surface.

I agree with yo 100% but this is a copy and paste from another thread a coupe weeks ago

"In MA, if you ever had to use a gun, they will confiscate ALL your guns and LTC. The chances of ever getting any of them back usually is infinitesimal. And PDs don't store guns carefully either, plus have a tendency to engrave the case number into the gun's surface.
That is a possibility. But it isn’t a certainty. People like to make grand, sweeping statements on social media. Often they lack the nuance required to be accurate.

I know of one defensive shooting in Arlington where the female homeowner shot an intruder in the neck. The local police were intending to suspend her LTC. Her attorney stated that he convinced them not to. She was not charged.
That is a possibility. But it isn’t a certainty.
As discussed, It would depend on the circumstances of the event, and the town it happened in, along with many other factors. If it was a clean justifiable shoot I do not believe it would
In MA it is going to be a fecal matter storm even if it is a "good shoot"

The section 400 "cop" that shot the guy who was stabbing a Doctor at a Boston Hospital in 2009 was left out there swinging for a number of months before the DA decided not to take action ( I'm pretty sure he is MSP now)

MA, unlike say Florida, does not have a immunity from prosecution mandate for someone who is standing their ground, with the caveat that they did not instigate the incident and they had a legal right to be where they were.

What is going to happen to you in MA as a mere civilian and not a member of the gang that has blue as their club colors?

Your guess is as good as mine, but you kind of have to assume it is going to be a shit show.

In the good old days before eFA-10's, you could have a stack of "blue cards" filled out ahead of time to move your collection to a friends ownership in case of the SHTF, all that had to happen was your friend had to get to the guns before the cops did. When that person was the one person you called with your one phone call, and they knew to call your lawyer and go get your guns as soon as you got off the phone the cops had no way to grab them. Not that I know anyone that ever did that... nope.

While you are sitting in a holding cell, do the cops have the right to contact the issuing authority, get your LTC suspended, serve you notice, confiscate your card, and do a warrantless entry to your home to grab the guns? I'll leave that for the Lawyers to answer.

But you can bet your ass that in MA, if you manage to post bail one of the conditions will be no firearms in your posession and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it if you want to go home.
As I said in a other thread any gun owner that would not use his firearm to defend themselves or loved ones in a legit self defense situation because they are worried about getting jammed up in Mass or any other state needs to reevaluate their thinking.
Seriously, this. Do you really care about the legal consequences when your kids' lives are on the line?

My question to the OP, why live in MA? We have states for a reason, a specific reason, to move freely when one gets overbearing.
It's not always easy to just pick up and move, for a vast variety of reasons. That said, I got about three years left here.
Family roots kinda hard. Looking at NH currently and getting an out of state LTC
what's LTC? License To Ceska zbrojovka a.s. Uhersky Brod? you can just buy them here. like any of them. and if you remember the full name of CZ on the first go, a czech angel descends from heaven and apologizes for the non-ergonomic take down procedures
what's LTC? License To Ceska zbrojovka a.s. Uhersky Brod? you can just buy them here. like any of them. and if you remember the full name of CZ on the first go, a czech angel descends from heaven and apologizes for the non-ergonomic take down procedures
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