School me on the different NFA forms

What are the different "Forms" for NFA items? What is each use for?

Rough break-down:
Form 1 - notice of manufacture of an class 3 item - generally used by us rabble to create an SBR
Form 2 - notice of firearm manufacture or import
Form 3 - dealer to dealer (required to move NFA/class3 items across state lines - like GCA68 for handguns)
Form 4 - face to face for an NFA/class3 item (dealer to you or private owner to private owner if in the same state)

Most people who aren't dealers/FFL manufacturers are only ever going to deal with 1 and 4 directly. 1 to create an SBR, 4 to buy an NFA item. If you are purchasing something from out-of-state, it will have to be transferred to an in-state class III dealer via a form 3 and then to you on a form 4 (with the extra joy of waiting the same ludicrous amount of time to get through the ATF each time).
Cekim is correct.. All you really need to know is.
form 1. do it yourself.
form 4. buy from a dealer.
form 5. if you plan on taking the gun out of state.
So if a police department wants to buy am m16, what form is that/how is that done?

Different process... They can purchase new hardware from a class III dealer/FFL. I don't know the specifics of the process, but IIRC, it does not involve an NFA tax or a form 3/4...

As I understand it, it requires CLEO letters authorizing it, but that's about all I know...

Hardware procured through this method is going to be "post-sample" and thus transferable only amongst current SOTs and other LEO/MIL (in contrast to "pre-sample" or "fully-transferable" pre-86 guns which may be kept by "civilians" after expiration of SOT and via NFA tax respectively).

Short version: If I were a LEO instructed to procure some toys, I'd call a class III dealer and ask... but you need to be sure you have permission to do so...
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Cekim is correct.. All you really need to know is.
form 1. do it yourself.
form 4. buy from a dealer.
form 5. if you plan on taking the gun out of state.

thats correct but with a F4 you can also buy from an individual if they are within the same state as you and have it go directly from them to you. Case in point.... the last machine gun I bought I got from a buddy who also lived in MA and it was done on 1 F4 from him to me (one transfer) and no dealer is required. If you go out of state it has to go from that dealer to your in state dealer on a F3 and then from your dealer to you on a F4.


As said the majority of people are only gong to use form 1 or 4. I am not sure about your Mass rules as they are to twisted for me to even try to figure out but form 1 can be used to make a SBR ( Short Barrel Rifle ) SBS ( Short barrel shotgun ) Suppressor ( yes you can build your own I have done three myself ) and last a AOW ( Any Other Weapon ) I made a flashlight with a 12 gauge in it and two pen guns.

Form four is to buy stuff ready made.

Any way you look way you look at it you know when you fill one of these forms out there is going to be fun had by all.
Cekim is correct.. All you really need to know is.
form 1. do it yourself.
form 4. buy from a dealer.
form 5. if you plan on taking the gun out of state.

Wrong on Form 5, form to take guns out of state is 5320.20, form 5 is tax free transfers (estate, dewatts, pd)

So if a police department wants to buy am m16, what form is that/how is that done?

depends on where it came from, will be either a form 5 or form 10

thats correct but with a F4 you can also buy from an individual if they are within the same state as you and have it go directly from them to you. Case in point.... the last machine gun I bought I got from a buddy who also lived in MA and it was done on 1 F4 from him to me (one transfer) and no dealer is required. If you go out of state it has to go from that dealer to your in state dealer on a F3 and then from your dealer to you on a F4.
Minor point, if you by a gun from out of state from a NON DEALER, it will go form 4 from them to your in state dealer, from your dealer to you on a Form4 (2 form4's, no form3) also if the gun is C&R and you have a C&R license it can go right to you using a Form4...
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