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Cool picture of two different approaches to .45 shooting.
As an OCD sufferer who goes nuts keeping his guns clean, I must suggest:
View attachment 285
That is their Sunday best!
To be honest, I much rather see the dirty guns. Too many times people post pics of their guns and when people ask how they shoot, the answer is "I don't know. I haven't shot it yet".
I used to clean my guns after every range visit.. now I clean the when the get really dirty or about every 1000 rounds
One thing I learned the hard way was... Don't show up to a match with a clean gun. I use to clean before every match until I did not put the slide stop all the way back in. 2 shots into the match and the gun jams.
(PS when you can catch the pencil every time, your a Master class shooter)
I like the front sight on the 1911. Cool picture. Greg
(PS when you can catch the pencil every time, your a Master class shooter)