I'm heading over Saturday while my wife does a little shopping at the mall. I'll be the stupid looking one with the Beretta cap. Don't expect to find any deals. Never do. All rip-offf prices. [lol]
Well, Bruce from mASSBACKWARDS and I will be there bright and early. Look for a fat guy with a shaved head and goatee next to a skinny guy with orange hair...
We might show up, but I'm not sure. The $1 off coupon was in the paper tonight. I hate going and drooling over stuff that's usually overpriced, especially when I don't have any $$'s to spend.
Just got back from the Rockingham show and for those that didn't make it there,you didn't miss much. The show was the smallest I've ever seen there, many dealers were no-shows. Lots of over-priced stuff and military surplus goods. Couldn't find the holsters or ammo I was looking for. Stayed about an hour and then left. Did pick up a Sig cleaning kit and 2 mags for my Sigma. Oh well, maybe the next show will be better.
Umlaut Arms was there and he had a good selection of "Made In MA" Samson rails and a bunch of other stuff AR related,which was cool.I was looking for a set of Trijicon night sights for my USP at the show..No luck.I was also looking for some .40 USP mags,none to be found,that surprised me.
I did pick up the last case of XM193($100) on the entire Eastern seaboard ,so it wasn't a total loss.
Beef jerky dude and Chinese dude selling knock off (Super cool and qualified) scopes was there.I would guess maybe 25 tables of which 5 were mostly knives.
Went to the Rockingham show today - big disappointment. The few tables there consisted primarily of overpriced, poor condition firearms, nazi memorabilia, knives and miscellaneous junk that should have been tossed out or peddled at a garage sale not displayed at a gun show; not much for quality firearms or quality holsters or accessories. Not certain who promoted the show, but definitely not worth the time to attend (or the 8 bucks admission).