Rockingham Park NH show in mid December?

I hate to think what the mall and other shopping traffic in the area will be like on those dates. [thinking]

It wasnt bad at all last year because it is the other side of the road..... plus I got there at 8:30am so it wasnt bad
it is medium-sized, a little smaller then Marlboro.

Go to the website link for directions
How big is usually this show?
Does anybody know the address or maybe directions?

Exit 1 off of 93 North in New Hampshire. Go left at the first set of lights, Rockingham is on your right after the turn.

Or take a left at the second set of lights and come in the back.

VERY easy to find.
I hate to think what the mall and other shopping traffic in the area will be like on those dates. [thinking]

The traffic at the rock isn't bad because the mall uses a different
"spout" and set of lights to go in and out than the racetrack itself
does. I've been to this show in the past and the traffic isn't
bad at all.

Been there every year since it started. Very nice little show. Good to see some of the dealers from further up north come down and peddle their wares.
Bring copies of your C&R with a suit case full of cash. There are usually some very decent deals there.

Will be there Saturday. The SAS smock will be the dead give away.
Been there every year since it started. Very nice little show. Good to see some of the dealers from further up north come down and peddle their wares.
Bring copies of your C&R with a suit case full of cash. There are usually some very decent deals there.

Will be there Saturday. The SAS smock will be the dead give away.

I'll see you there. Gonna try to get there right when they open.
it is medium-sized, a little smaller then Marlboro.

Go to the website link for directions

This location can fit only ~300 tables in it. Bring a flashlight so you can see what you are looking at . . . the place isn't well lit at all in many corners where you are likely to find tables.

I used to go occasionally when Carole was running shows there. Indeed there were some dealers who absolutely refused to "cross the border" to do a MA show.
Anyone know what time the doors open?

I have other plans that day, but if I can make it back to Boston by 11:00 - 11:30, I'd make the trip (I'm only 20 - 30 minutes from Salem anyways).
Sorry about the delay in replying, LenS: 1'st SAS, Special Air Service, Malvinas campaign from what I'm told. Got it unissued in Greenwich some years back.

Take care.
Jay G: We'll be heading back to Harvard with some furniture so if you want to come along, you are most welcome.

Oh man... Believe me, I would LOVE to go, but the Mrs. has to work Saturday afternoon and the rugrats need watchin'.

Are you still doing the New Year's Day noise-a-thon???
I HAVE CONFIRMED THERE IS NO SHOW THIS SATURDAY........... I called the promoter and spoke to Carol.. sorry boys
Well not so fast. I hate to be the monkey in the wrench but I just called Rockingham Park and they said the show is still on for this weekend. Also it's still on their calendar. Hmmmmmmmm.........getting to the bottom of this may require the expertise of Inspector Clouseau.
Well not so fast. I hate to be the monkey in the wrench but I just called Rockingham Park and they said the show is still on for this weekend. Also it's still on their calendar. Hmmmmmmmm.........getting to the bottom of this may require the expertise of Inspector Clouseau.

This is the same thing that happened last time. If the -promoter- says its
cancelled, the it's cancelled. The show they had posted many months
ago was also cancelled. Sucks.

I called:
NewMart Promotions, etc.
Carole - 914-248-1000

She said it was cancelled..

I had called the venue and the operator told me it was on..... who should I believe? [thinking]
The promoter books the hall, collects money from dealer and the gate.

If the promoter isn't going to be there, who do you think is right?

If Carole says "no show", there is no show . . . as the dealers aren't going to show up no matter what the venue tells you.
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