Restrictions work, says man who brought Massachusetts gun deaths to record low


NES Member
Mar 5, 2020
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WTH is this guy??

“Rosenthal counters that every decision before Heller said the second amendment gave the right to bear arms to the militia, now the national guard.

“Not an individual right. Heller changed that but only in so much that you could have had the same guns you had in 1776. Not current AR-15 assault weapons. None of that is protected and Scalia said as much. He said you could put reasonable restriction on guns.”

The NRA, Rosenthal says, decided to spin Scalia’s words, to say individual gun ownership was completely protected.”

RTFO, Mr. Rosenthal. Then have a 6th grader explain what “frivolous” means:

Some have made the argument, bordering on the frivolous, that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment . We do not interpret constitutional rights that way. Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications, e.g., Renov. American Civil Liberties Union, 521 U. S. 844, 849 (1997) , and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, e.g., Kyllo v. United States, 533 U. S. 27, 35–36 (2001) , the Second Amendment extends, prima facie,to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.
“Not an individual right. Heller changed that but only in so much that you could have had the same guns you had in 1776. Not current AR-15 assault weapons.”
Cool, so when do we start censoring 1st Amendment rights on the internet, TV and etc? These didn't exist in 1776 so they're not protected right? In fact, this article should be restricted because it wasn't approved by state and federal regulators before being published for public viewing. Only media written by quill and ink under candlelight with wax sourced from pre-1776 can be distributed without restrictions.

Amazing how stupid people sound when you apply their 2nd Amendment logic to other amendments.
I have zero respect for anyone who is Jewish and wants to get rid of guns. Look what happened last time.
He embarrasses me. He would have been the first one in Warsaw to volunteer to sit on the council to work with the Nazis. I would have been proud to help him no longer be able to "serve" his masters. No, I am not advocating similar action today, thankfully we are still a nation of laws and he and his ilk are slowly losing the battle.
Cool, so when do we start censoring 1st Amendment rights on the internet, TV and etc?
technically, 1st amendment rights on internet do not exist now. and are getting censored, extremely effectively, by twitter, facebook, and rest of woke agenda agencies.
Yup, it’s a parking lot owner with a sign that results in the low number of gun deaths in MA. Not any of the other factors like:
  1. MA has only one city in the top 100 largest cities in the US (Boston) and it is well established that large cities have higher rates of gun violence.
  2. The Boston Police have one of the most effective anti-gang programs in the country and again it is well established that gang violence is the source of most gun violence.
  3. MA ranks number five in the ranking of states by income, again poorer states generally have higher rates of crime.
  4. MA ranks number eight in poverty rate (lower the ranking the fewer people living in poverty).
  5. MA ranks second in access to mental health care and it is known that a majority of gun deaths are the result of suicide.
Notice that none of these factors have anything to do with MA gun laws.

I am so sick of people using MA as an example of how well restrictive gun laws work. The implication is that without them MA would just be another Illinois and Boston another Chicago. Yet according to Giffords MA ranks 7th in gun law strength and IL ranks 8th (they both get an A- grade). So if MA is an example of how well gun restrictions work, how come IL isn’t an example of how they don’t? (And don’t tell me it’s because Indiana has weak gun laws. Again, Giffords gives IN a D but it gives NH an F. So both MA and IL have adjacent states with less restrictive gun laws.)
technically, 1st amendment rights on internet do not exist now. and are getting censored, extremely effectively, by twitter, facebook, and rest of woke agenda agencies.

Technically, 1A doesn’t apply to private business. Whether those companies are effectively today’s Hyde Park Corner and therefore made themselves into something that should be covered by 1A and by proxy not censoring protected speech on their platforms is a different discussion....
WTH is this guy??

“Rosenthal counters that every decision before Heller said the second amendment gave the right to bear arms to the militia, now the national guard.

“Not an individual right. Heller changed that but only in so much that you could have had the same guns you had in 1776. Not current AR-15 assault weapons. None of that is protected and Scalia said as much. He said you could put reasonable restriction on guns.”

The NRA, Rosenthal says, decided to spin Scalia’s words, to say individual gun ownership was completely protected.”

You don't know who he is?
Technically, 1A doesn’t apply to private business.
i was always puzzled by that assessment in application to the multinational corporations.
founding fathers could not predict that, of course, but those corporations are in fact same if not worse actors compared to the government actors who are the subjects of amendments.
Rosenthal was the guy who debating Jim Wallace on the radio a few years ago. He told Him that an AR 15 wouldn't be much good against a F16. (&$^W%( Autocorrect!)

Jim asked him what made him think the pilot would be on their side?
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I've met the guy, and apart from not liking his politics his one of the most condescending, pompous, arrogant douches I've ever talked to. He also helped to highlight how gross politics in MA is. I'll repost this since it's fun. The TLDR is as follows

1. BC Law School held a gun control panel with Maura Healey on it for law students
2. Jon Rosenthal was invited to sit on the lecture hall among the students, despite having no affiliation with BCLS of which I am aware (wonder how that happened)
3. When it came time for questions the first 2 Healey got (from myself and one other student) were critical of her recent gun control edict
4. She CALLS ON Jon Rosenthal, by name, despite other STUDENTS raising their hand and time being limited, and he goes on some 5-10 minute soap-box rant basically sucking his own dick, and manages to insult the students critical of her in the process

Don't get me wrong, BCLS was not friendly to pro-2A ideas, both in terms of the student body or otherwise, but at worst it was neutral. This was a propaganda effort complete with Rosenthal in the "audience." I don't think any of my professors would have endorsed those shenanigans, but that is how it played out.

Another uncomfortable truth -- Maura Healey is pretty nice and at least pretended to care about what those of us "dissenting" had to say, and voluntarily came up to speak with us afterwards. I still think she has grossly abused her office, her politics and playing of such as as the AG disgust me, and I she is basically an insult to the constitution, but at least she wasn't a scumbag to your face like Rosenthal is. I tried to just talk to the guy, and he basically gave me the attitude like I was some stupid uneducated little kid, and I should bow down and suck his dick, all the while repeating various nonsense of which he knew nothing about. You'd think if you were going to make your public persona being some gun control zealot you'd know how to speak to the issues.

So yea, anyway, f*** that a**h***. He is just a little man who buys his way to hang out with politicians so he can feel important. That was abundantly clear during that lecture. I can disagree with and respect someone whose views are diametrically opposed to mine - Rosenthal isn't one of those people. He's just a clown with money who needs to feel important.

I've met the guy, and apart from not liking his politics his one of the most condescending, pompous, arrogant douches I've ever talked to. He also helped to highlight how gross politics in MA is. I'll repost this since it's fun. The TLDR is as follows

1. BC Law School held a gun control panel with Maura Healey on it for law students
2. Jon Rosenthal was invited to sit on the lecture hall among the students, despite having no affiliation with BCLS of which I am aware (wonder how that happened)
3. When it came time for questions the first 2 Healey got (from myself and one other student) were critical of her recent gun control edict
4. She CALLS ON Jon Rosenthal, by name, despite other STUDENTS raising their hand and time being limited, and he goes on some 5-10 minute soap-box rant basically sucking his own dick, and manages to insult the students critical of her in the process

Don't get me wrong, BCLS was not friendly to pro-2A ideas, both in terms of the student body or otherwise, but at worst it was neutral. This was a propaganda effort complete with Rosenthal in the "audience." I don't think any of my professors would have endorsed those shenanigans, but that is how it played out.

Another uncomfortable truth -- Maura Healey is pretty nice and at least pretended to care about what those of us "dissenting" had to say, and voluntarily came up to speak with us afterwards. I still think she has grossly abused her office, her politics and playing of such as as the AG disgust me, and I she is basically an insult to the constitution, but at least she wasn't a scumbag to your face like Rosenthal is. I tried to just talk to the guy, and he basically gave me the attitude like I was some stupid uneducated little kid, and I should bow down and suck his dick, all the while repeating various nonsense of which he knew nothing about. You'd think if you were going to make your public persona being some gun control zealot you'd know how to speak to the issues.

So yea, anyway, f*** that a**h***. He is just a little man who buys his way to hang out with politicians so he can feel important. That was abundantly clear during that lecture. I can disagree with and respect someone whose views are diametrically opposed to mine - Rosenthal isn't one of those people. He's just a clown with money who needs to feel important.

Sounds like the kind of guy who doesn’t even have the common courtesy to give a reach around.
Rosenthal was the guy who debating Jim Wallace on the radio a few years ago. He told Him that an AR 15 wouldn't be much good against a DAY.

Jim asked him what made him think the pilot would be on their side?
I always enjoy listening to Rosenthal’s masturbatory schtick about F-15s flying around strafing America citizens
Sounds like the kind of guy who doesn’t even have the common courtesy to give a reach around.
He wasn't someone who passionately disagreed with me for whatever his reasons but could have a respectful conversation. He's just an ass. Not saying there are any shortage of people on our side that are like that, but I don't associate with those type of people period in my day to day life.
He wasn't someone who passionately disagreed with me for whatever his reasons but could have a respectful conversation. He's just an ass. Not saying there are any shortage of people on our side that are like that, but I don't associate with those type of people period in my day to day life.
Oh I hate him. I’m sure he squats to piss too.
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