Response from Elizabeth Warren to my email on Gun Control Legislation

really,how many rounds should we have if this pos comes through our door?

that was the most insulting ,condescending,patronizing letter i have ever reiceved from any politician,including barney frank.
All right, you guys have been convincing... I'll pick her email out of trash and reply during the day.

I probably will copy the Harvard people to let them know what a low level prof they had.
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My reply back to her email is I don't care what YOU want you are supposed to listen to your constitutes so put YOUR feelings on the matter aside I am your constitute and I need you to listen to me.
She's bought and paid for! She complained how the middle class was getting hammered. Then our POTUS raised all our taxes not just the wealthy and not a peep from "FAKEAHAUNTUS" she went in lock step with her fearless leader. So all you zombie dem voters you all got screwed lol...The problem is you also screwed my family. Nice job "Massalosers" you would vote democrat for Hitler. She DOESN"T CARE ABOUT YOU!! SHE JUST WANTED THE POSITION!!!
Thank you for contacting me about gun control legislation.
Like millions of people across the country, I was heartbroken by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School last December. I do not know how to explain the deaths of twenty innocent children or why six heroic teachers had to make the ultimate sacrifice for their students.
I also grew up in family that used guns. My older brothers hunted, and I learned to shoot when I was in grade school. I have great respect for the role that hunting and guns play in many communities across the country and believe there is a place for responsible gun ownership in our society. But I also don't think anyone needs military-grade assault weapons to hunt or Rambo-style high capacity magazines to protect their family from intruders.
That's why I support a comprehensive set of reforms to reduce gun violence. I strongly support reauthorizing the expired ban on federal assault weapons and high capacity magazines. I also support closing the loopholes in federal background checks for gun shows and private sales. The President has put forward a slate of proposals to help address gun violence and gun safety, and I support those efforts as well.
There is no one way to stop gun violence, and there is certainly room for disagreement on the steps that we should take. But I hope that we can agree that we have a responsibility to ourselves and to our children to take the steps we can to stop the violence. I believe that a reauthorized assault weapons ban and the President's proposals represent a responsible path forward. I will keep your thoughts in mind as I continue to look for other steps we can take to protect our children and families from these terrible tragedies. I believe that is my responsibility as a United States Senator -- and as a mother and grandmother.


Elizabeth Warren
United States Senator

abreviated answer

Dear Constituant,

Go F*#K Yourself !


Elizabeth Warren
United States Senator
I just went to her site and posted this...
Dear Senator Warren,

I am concerned with your recent communication to me. It shows a disdain for a valid concern of a constituent on an important issue.

Your comment, “ I also don't think anyone needs military-grade assault weapons to hunt or Rambo-style high capacity magazines to protect their family from intruders”, is not only inaccurate but is also offensive and strangely ironic.

I don’t know what you mean by “military grade”, but I am assuming that means weapons which are currently issued by the United States Military. Currently, the US Military issues an M4 which is a fully automatic rifle, i.e., a “machine gun”. Machine guns have been essentially illegal to possess since 1934.

Also, your association with “Rambo” is both infantile and ironic. The infantile nature is obvious; responding to my concern with mention of a fictional character. But as long as you brought up the issue, it is intensely ironic that the character John Rambo walked into a town and was viciously harassed by the police for no reason. Sounds familiar.

Finally, this issue is more important than your “thoughts” and my “needs”. This is about the Constitution of the United States and your oath to defend it and my rights to live under it.

I am more sorry today than on the day you were elected to represent me.

Sincerely yours,


"Thank you for letting me know about your concerns. I, being much smarter than you, don't really give a shit about what you think or what you want. I will endorse any disconnected, dangerous, ultra-liberal utopian fantasy that Lord Voldemort wants me to pass through, while demonizing everyone who might disagree with me and my radical cult masquerading as Democrats. If I could make you wear a helmet that gave me total control over every aspect of your life, I would make you wear it, take everything you own, and give it to people who are less fortunate than you. Because lets face it, you only have a good paying job because you are probably a white, middle-class male who didn't do anything to deserve your economic status. And furthermore you probably don't like me because I a might be 1/178th American Indian, and any criticism of me any my other cult members is purely driven by racism and hate. This is why I must use every method at my disposal to destroy you and anyone like you who might stand in the way of the successful implementation of progressive liberal improvements to our society. Our liberal media fueled propaganda machine, with our coordinated, multi-pronged attack on the Constitution and conservatives, will deny our enemies the ability to stop us. At this time I would like to inform you of how all of those racist, conservative, hate criminals in congress, the general public outside of our liberal stronghold cities, the terrorist organization called the NRA, and Fox news prevents us from being able to implement 'common sense' reforms that would benefit political cult members, and probably some of the least productive members of our society, but probably not the middle class, which I can't define anyway. So I suggest you get back to work, and try to get a raise because I am coming to steal every penny I can from you and your family to fund my Utopian paradise, so buckle up buttercup."


I got the same damn auto reply form letter. So I wrote back again:

Dear Fauxcahontas.

Thanks for taking the time to send me a generic template letter stating your desire to gut the second amendment and destroy the means we free people have to defend ourselves against tyranny. Thanks for letting me know that you support the oppression of your constituents. Thanks for letting me know you do not take your oath to protect the constitution seriously and will not execute it faithfully. Finally thanks for letting me know that you stand on the side of dishonesty and oppression and stand opposed to truth and liberty. Thanks for letting me know that I as your constituent am not even worth enough of your time to have you read my letter and respond. Thanks for letting me know you are unfit to serve in the office you hold. I will now do everything I can do to see to it you are a one term calamity for this commonwealth.


I just went to her site and posted this...
I don’t know what you mean by “military grade”, but I am assuming that means weapons which are currently issued by the United States Military. Currently, the US Military issues an M4 which is a fully automatic rifle, i.e., a “machine gun”. Machine guns have been essentially illegal to possess since 1934.

I agree with your sentiment, but machine guns have been highly regulated, not illegal, since then.

FA manufactured after 1986 are totally illegal for mortals to possess.

At this time, if you jump through certain hoops, you can lawfully own and shoot full auto firearms.
I just emailed her back shitting on her and telling her that if she doesn't listen to her constituents, that it's certain doom for her political career. I like to tell myself that it's true.

that only works for conservatives. Lefties, especially in this state would vote for Stalin over any conservative. Even a moderate like Scott Brown. He learned that lesson the hard way. Granny will hold that seat for life unless a crazier lefty candidate comes along.
I agree with your sentiment, but machine guns have been highly regulated, not illegal, since then.

FA manufactured after 1986 are totally illegal for mortals to possess.

At this time, if you jump through certain hoops, you can lawfully own and shoot full auto firearms.

Yes, I do know that, just wanted to keep it brief, as she's likely got a short attention span.
I hope you don't mind, but I snipped that and put it in a reply to her (and included my contact information). I don't really care that she won't look- at least I've made my voice heard.

I would encourage everyone here in MA concerned about their 2A RIGHTS to send her a response.

I just went to her site and posted this...
Dear Senator Warren,

I am concerned with your recent communication to me. It shows a disdain for a valid concern of a constituent on an important issue.

Your comment, “ I also don't think anyone needs military-grade assault weapons to hunt or Rambo-style high capacity magazines to protect their family from intruders”, is not only inaccurate but is also offensive and strangely ironic.

I don’t know what you mean by “military grade”, but I am assuming that means weapons which are currently issued by the United States Military. Currently, the US Military issues an M4 which is a fully automatic rifle, i.e., a “machine gun”. Machine guns have been essentially illegal to possess since 1934.

Also, your association with “Rambo” is both infantile and ironic. The infantile nature is obvious; responding to my concern with mention of a fictional character. But as long as you brought up the issue, it is intensely ironic that the character John Rambo walked into a town and was viciously harassed by the police for no reason. Sounds familiar.

Finally, this issue is more important than your “thoughts” and my “needs”. This is about the Constitution of the United States and your oath to defend it and my rights to live under it.

I am more sorry today than on the day you were elected to represent me.

Sincerely yours,
My pissed off reply:

Senator Warren,

First and foremost the Second Amendment is not about hunting or sport shooting.

Want and need are irrelevant to the discussion. The actual data, not the data you and Obama bend to further your cause, does not show justification for the measures you are proposing. If you are advocating limiting my rights do it based on sound data and spare me your feelings about what you feel I shouldn't have to defend my family. Cars and alcohol kill far more people than guns but yet I do not hear rally cries to limit BAC or horsepower.

The fact is nothing your are proposing will prevent or reduce crime especially the tragedy that happened at Sandy Hook.

The truth as I see it is you do not like guns and you will exploit any and all tragedies in order to further your agenda and ultimate goal to limit and restrict the Second Amendment until it is non existent.
Thank you Elizabeth, but I do not need you telling me what I need and don't need in terms of firearms. That's one of a million reasons you did not get my vote.
Stay out of my business.
Sorry if this is a repeat....

Thank you for contacting me about gun control legislation.
Like millions of people across the country, I was heartbroken by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School last December. I do not know how to explain the deaths of twenty innocent children or why six heroic teachers had to make the ultimate sacrifice for their students.
I also grew up in family that used guns. My older brothers hunted, and I learned to shoot when I was in grade school. I have great respect for the role that hunting and guns play in many communities across the country and believe there is a place for responsible gun ownership in our society. But I also don't think anyone needs military-grade assault weapons to hunt or Rambo-style high capacity magazines to protect their family from intruders.
That's why I support a comprehensive set of reforms to reduce gun violence. I strongly support reauthorizing the expired ban on federal assault weapons and high capacity magazines. I also support closing the loopholes in federal background checks for gun shows and private sales. The President has put forward a slate of proposals to help address gun violence and gun safety, and I support those efforts as well.
There is no one way to stop gun violence, and there is certainly room for disagreement on the steps that we should take. But I hope that we can agree that we have a responsibility to ourselves and to our children to take the steps we can to stop the violence. I believe that a reauthorized assault weapons ban and the President's proposals represent a responsible path forward. I will keep your thoughts in mind as I continue to look for other steps we can take to protect our children and families from these terrible tragedies. I believe that is my responsibility as a United States Senator -- and as a mother and grandmother and Indian and lawyer.


Elizabeth Warren
United States Senator

She forgot a couple of her accomplishments. I got the same one too.
Same thing here. Someone was on a roll....

Thank you for contacting me about gun control legislation.
Like millions of people across the country, I was heartbroken by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School last December. I do not know how to explain the deaths of twenty innocent children or why six heroic teachers had to make the ultimate sacrifice for their students.
I also grew up in family that used guns. My older brothers hunted, and I learned to shoot when I was in grade school. I have great respect for the role that hunting and guns play in many communities across the country and believe there is a place for responsible gun ownership in our society. But I also don't think anyone needs military-grade assault weapons to hunt or Rambo-style high capacity magazines to protect their family from intruders.
That's why I support a comprehensive set of reforms to reduce gun violence. I strongly support reauthorizing the expired ban on federal assault weapons and high capacity magazines. I also support closing the loopholes in federal background checks for gun shows and private sales. The President has put forward a slate of proposals to help address gun violence and gun safety, and I support those efforts as well.
There is no one way to stop gun violence, and there is certainly room for disagreement on the steps that we should take. But I hope that we can agree that we have a responsibility to ourselves and to our children to take the steps we can to stop the violence. I believe that a reauthorized assault weapons ban and the President's proposals represent a responsible path forward. I will keep your thoughts in mind as I continue to look for other steps we can take to protect our children and families from these terrible tragedies. I believe that is my responsibility as a United States Senator -- and as a mother and grandmother.


Elizabeth Warren
United States Senator
I hope you don't mind, but I snipped that and put it in a reply to her (and included my contact information). I don't really care that she won't look- at least I've made my voice heard.

I would encourage everyone here in MA concerned about their 2A RIGHTS to send her a response.

I also liberally borrowed from sieveboy. He wrote a good letter. Here's my reply to her:

Dear Senator Warren,

I am concerned with your recent communication to me. It shows a disdain for a valid concern of a constituent on an important issue.

Your comment, “ I also don't think anyone needs military-grade assault weapons to hunt or Rambo-style high capacity magazines to protect their family from intruders”, is not only inaccurate but is also offensive and strangely ironic.

I don’t know what you mean by “military grade”, but I am assuming that means weapons which are currently issued by the United States Military. Currently, the US Military issues an M4 which is a fully automatic rifle, i.e., a “machine gun”. Machine guns have been nearly impossible to possess since 1934.

Also, your association with “Rambo” is both infantile and ironic. The infantile nature is obvious; responding to my concern with mention of a fictional character. But as long as you brought up the issue, it is intensely ironic that the character John Rambo walked into a town and was viciously harassed by the police for no reason. Sounds familiar.

Finally, this issue is more important than your “thoughts” and my “needs”. This is about the Constitution of the United States and your oath to defend it and my rights to live under it. In case you do not remember your oath let me refresh your memory. Please be sure to take particular note of the underlined section:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

You took your oath freely and without mental reservation or purpose of evasion. You either support the Constitution of the United States or you do not. You may not pick and choose which sections of the Constitution you approve of and those you do not any more than I may choose what part of a law I will abide by and that which I will not. If you do not fully support the Constitution of the United States then you have willfully violated your oath of office and have no business being there. If you are unable to support the Constitution of the United States kindly resign your position and leave office immediately as you have no business being there.

Sincerely yours,

Thank you Elizabeth, but I do not need you telling me what I need and don't need in terms of firearms. That's one of a million reasons you did not get my vote.
Stay out of my business.
Sorry if this is a repeat....

Thank you for contacting me about gun control legislation.
Like millions of people across the country, I was heartbroken by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School last December. I do not know how to explain the deaths of twenty innocent children or why six heroic teachers had to make the ultimate sacrifice for their students.
I also grew up in family that used guns. My older brothers hunted, and I learned to shoot when I was in grade school. I have great respect for the role that hunting and guns play in many communities across the country and believe there is a place for responsible gun ownership in our society. But I also don't think anyone needs military-grade assault weapons to hunt or Rambo-style high capacity magazines to protect their family from intruders.
That's why I support a comprehensive set of reforms to reduce gun violence. I strongly support reauthorizing the expired ban on federal assault weapons and high capacity magazines. I also support closing the loopholes in federal background checks for gun shows and private sales. The President has put forward a slate of proposals to help address gun violence and gun safety, and I support those efforts as well.
There is no one way to stop gun violence, and there is certainly room for disagreement on the steps that we should take. But I hope that we can agree that we have a responsibility to ourselves and to our children to take the steps we can to stop the violence. I believe that a reauthorized assault weapons ban and the President's proposals represent a responsible path forward. I will keep your thoughts in mind as I continue to look for other steps we can take to protect our children and families from these terrible tragedies. I believe that is my responsibility as a United States Senator -- and as a mother and grandmother.


Elizabeth Warren
United States Senator
Received same...Scott Brown would have been no different as he had sent me a similar email when he was still in power. Fascists!
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