Republicans need to clean house!!

Jun 11, 2009
Carthage, N.C.
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Just when you thought they might have learned a lesson, this!!

The Republican National Committee spent tens of thousands of dollars last month on luxury jets, posh hotels and other high-flying expenses, according to new Federal Election Commission filings, including nearly $2,000 for "meals" at Voyeur West Hollywood, a nightclub featuring topless dancers simulating lesbian sex.

"The RNC spent more than $17,000 on private jet travel in February as well as nearly $13,000 for limousines, according to the documents. The GOP's main political committee also ran up tabs at numerous posh hotels, including the Beverly Hills Hotel ($9,000); the Beverly Wilshire Four Seasons ($6,600) and the W Hotel in Washington ($15,000), and spent more than $43,000 on its controversial midwinter meeting in Hawaii, not including airfare.

The disclosures create another spending controversy for the RNC and its chairman, Michael Steele, who has come under steady fire from Democrats and some fellow Republicans for his financial stewardship of the organization.

The RNC said in a statement Monday that it was investigating the Voyeur West Hollywood expenditure, which it said was "a reimbursement made to a non-committee staffer." The committee also said it was requesting that the money be returned and emphasized that Steele was not at the event.

"The chairman was never at the location in question, he had no knowledge of the expenditure, nor does he find the use of committee funds at such a location at all acceptable," the RNC statement said.

The committee had more than $22 million on hand when Steele arrived last year, but is down to under $10 million now despite raising $96 million during that time, records show. A previous dustup over Steele's spending habits prompted party leaders to approve new restrictions requiring more oversight and competitive bidding for contracts over $100,000. The Daily Caller Web site, which first noted the new Federal Election Commission filings, also reported that Steele had initially suggested that the RNC should purchase a private jet for his travels after he first took over the job.

Steele's spending habits have prompted angry complaints from wealthy GOP donors and party officials, who fear the chairman is making poor financial decisions and undercutting the GOP's attempt to cast itself as the party of fiscal responsibility.

"Nothing surprises me," said one former RNC aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "It definitely speaks to the desire for first-class accommodations over there."

The Feb. 4 expenditure of $1,946 at Voyeur West Hollywood is listed as "meals" on the RNC disclosure form. Visitors to the chic nightspot have included Hollywood celebrities such as Lindsay Lohan and Leonardo DiCaprio; press reports indicate the club is open to the public three nights a week and otherwise hosts private parties."

Fire Michael Steele to start with, Dumbass!!
That would be a great idea to fire Steele. Maybe they can get somebody to unite the party and bring in the Tea Party folks under one tent. With that they could take back our government in 2010. Easier said than done of course.
That would be a great idea to fire Steele. Maybe they can get somebody to unite the party and bring in the Tea Party folks under one tent. With that they could take back our government in 2010. Easier said than done of course.

It won't do us any good to replace one set of elitist socialist with another...
Ken Blackwell was the much better candidate for RNC chairman. The RINOs elected Steele because Blackwell is now a solidly conservative columnist. It was their last mistake.

Real conservatives are beginning to dominate the Republican Party at the state level. The best mechanism for doing this is to join your state's Republican Assembly.

In MA:

In RI: RIRA is having its monthly meeting in Warwick this Thursday, April 8.

It won't do us any good to replace one set of elitist socialist with another...

I fully agree..I had so many friends try to convince me to vote for McCain....but i could not in good faith vote for someone I really probably don't agree with much at all...If you don't vote according to the Constitution you won't get my vote...the reason 80% of my ballot is usually blank...and State/Local Issues affect me more then Federal thats my focus..and I can actually talk to my Town/State the Federal Level its a lost cause...They are sooooooo far from reality that there is no reasonable way to talk/act towards them..
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