Rabbits in NH

Has anyone ever seen a wild rabbit anywhere in NH? I've seen two in 12 years.

Well, there is this one:


I was driving on Magalloway Road in Pittsburgh NH last summer and saw him coming down the road towards my truck. I slowed down and snapped the pic out of my window when he ran past.
In the town of Caerbannog there be the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered creature you ever set eyes on with a vicious streak a mile wide...
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I usually have quite a few rabbits in my yard. It's fun to watch the littleones running around playing.[grin] Sorry Dave, they are good eating.[wink]
In the town of Caerbannog there be the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered creature you ever set eyes on with a vicious streak a mile wide...


"Night of the Lepus"
Tagline: They were born that tragic moment when science made its great mistake... now from behind the shroud of night they come, a scuttling, shambling horde of creatures destroying all in their path.
Plot Outline Giant mutant rabbits terrorize the southwest!!
Plot Synopsis: Cole Hillman's Arizona ranch is plagued with 'mongrel' rabbits, and he wants to employ an ecologically sound control method. As a favor to college benefactor Hillman, college president Elgin Clark calls in zoologist Roy Bennett to help. Bennett immediately begins injecting rabbits with hormones and genetically mutated blood in an effort to develop a method of disrupting rabbit reproduction. One of the test subjects escapes, resulting in a race of bloodthirsty, wolf-sized, man-, horse-, and cow-eating bunnies. Eventually the National Guard is called in for a final showdown with the terrorizing rabbits.
I used to live in PA and rabbits were like bugs... they were everywhere. I've seen 1 live one and 1 dead one since moving to NH 7 years ago. I suspect that they make tasty, refreshingly delicious snacks for our fishers and coyotes.
I lived in Lynnfield, MA and the rabbits, deer, fisher cats, and foxes were everywhere! Now I live in Plaistow, NH and havent seen much more than a chipmunk...
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