Proof of What We Already Knew


Sep 9, 2005
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From the Michael Blane Blog:

Poll Says Gun Rights Aren't An Issue

Today, two misperceptions might be cleared up in a few hundred words. First, the myth that politicians reflect the opinions and wishes of their constituents. A new Rasmussen poll would seem to indicate that politicians transfer their personal beliefs and opinions into their legislative actions, rather than the reflection of the desires of their constituencies.

When it comes down to firearms ownership, the Rasumssen poll would seem to find that especially true.

This latest polling data in the telephone survey says that sixty-nine percent (69%) of the people participating in the survey believe cities have no rights to ban handguns. Only twenty-five percent (25%) believed cities should have that ability.

"The Rasmussen survey clearly shows that Americans have grown weary of anti-gun municipal demagoguery," says Second Amendment Foundation Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. "A victory in our case before the Supreme Court should send a clear signal to gun prohibitionists like Chicago Mayor Richard Daley that arbitrarily disarming law-abiding citizens under the guise of fighting crime is an idea that has no place in this country."

Gottlieb's referring to the McDonald v. City of Chicago case which came before the high court last Tuesday.

The Rasmussen poll also found very little difference between current public sentiment and earlier surveys that noted 70 percent of American adults believe the U.S. Constitution guarantees the individual right to own a firearm.

"For years," Gottlieb said, "the anti-gun lobby has been claiming majority support for its Draconian agenda, but polling data like this new information from Rasmussen shows that the public is not about to surrender a significant civil right. We believe the Supreme Court is on the verge of expanding the scope of that right by applying the Second Amendment to the states."
Everyone keep their fingers crossed come June when the SCOTUS delivers their verdict in McDonald vs Chicago, a win for our side is going to open a few more doors in this state for us legally.
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