Resident HK Guru
Hey everyone,
I am strongly considering purchasing a pre-ban AK, but I want to make sure that I am "in compliance" before bolting the kitchen sink onto it. A month or so ago, I posted a thread regarding SKS mods and recieved a flurry of answers citing all kinds of info covering topics such as: 922r violations, voiding of the weapon's C+R status by modifying it, hi-cap mag bans, the nebulous "10 or less" game, etc.
What I derived from all of this plus extensive research on various SKS boards is that in order for me to configure the SKS the way I wanted, I would have to continue to replace parts on it until I was compliant with the "10 or less" rule. I would then be FEDERALLY compliant, but not Mass. compliant as I would have "made" myself an assault weapon that is technically post-ban. Needless to say I left the gun stock and enjoyed it as is.
In those same posts on that thread, there were multiple comments saying that I should leave the SKS alone, and go buy an AK, as I could tinker with it to my heart's content without fear of "violation" of any of a number of laws.
This is the part that makes my scratch my head: Isn't the AK-47 ALSO an imported gun? How is it different than the SKS for purposes of modification? I've seen more than one gun in state that had all manner of goodies bolted on and been told that it was 100% compliant. The owners even said that that was the beauty of the AK: Lots of gadgets and parts available, and mods are legal as long as the gun is preban. Do I still have to play the "10 or less" game? Is the AK not considered C+R, so I don't have to worry about 922r violations? Is there a seperate ban that concerns the AK? (similar to the Chinese SKS ban) I saw one on our gun gallery forum that is absolutely awesome, and I would like to configure mine in a similar fashion.
For what it's worth, I spoke to a dealer who told me "as long as the gun is pre-ban, you can do what ever you want to it". I know this is true of the American-made guns, but my understanding is that foreign guns don't follow the same rule. When I politely asked the dealer about 922r compliance, I got the answer I seem to get from most dealers: "Well I don't know anything about that, but if the gun is pre-ban you can do whatever you want to it". Oddly enough, this is the same thing the dealer that sold me the SKS told me, and he was wrong all the way around.
I seem to get a different answer from almost every dealer I talk to on this subject, and all I want to do is "follow the law" and have a cool gun at the same time...
Anyone have the "final word" on this one?![Crying [crying] [crying]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/006.gif)
I am strongly considering purchasing a pre-ban AK, but I want to make sure that I am "in compliance" before bolting the kitchen sink onto it. A month or so ago, I posted a thread regarding SKS mods and recieved a flurry of answers citing all kinds of info covering topics such as: 922r violations, voiding of the weapon's C+R status by modifying it, hi-cap mag bans, the nebulous "10 or less" game, etc.
What I derived from all of this plus extensive research on various SKS boards is that in order for me to configure the SKS the way I wanted, I would have to continue to replace parts on it until I was compliant with the "10 or less" rule. I would then be FEDERALLY compliant, but not Mass. compliant as I would have "made" myself an assault weapon that is technically post-ban. Needless to say I left the gun stock and enjoyed it as is.
In those same posts on that thread, there were multiple comments saying that I should leave the SKS alone, and go buy an AK, as I could tinker with it to my heart's content without fear of "violation" of any of a number of laws.
This is the part that makes my scratch my head: Isn't the AK-47 ALSO an imported gun? How is it different than the SKS for purposes of modification? I've seen more than one gun in state that had all manner of goodies bolted on and been told that it was 100% compliant. The owners even said that that was the beauty of the AK: Lots of gadgets and parts available, and mods are legal as long as the gun is preban. Do I still have to play the "10 or less" game? Is the AK not considered C+R, so I don't have to worry about 922r violations? Is there a seperate ban that concerns the AK? (similar to the Chinese SKS ban) I saw one on our gun gallery forum that is absolutely awesome, and I would like to configure mine in a similar fashion.
For what it's worth, I spoke to a dealer who told me "as long as the gun is pre-ban, you can do what ever you want to it". I know this is true of the American-made guns, but my understanding is that foreign guns don't follow the same rule. When I politely asked the dealer about 922r compliance, I got the answer I seem to get from most dealers: "Well I don't know anything about that, but if the gun is pre-ban you can do whatever you want to it". Oddly enough, this is the same thing the dealer that sold me the SKS told me, and he was wrong all the way around.
I seem to get a different answer from almost every dealer I talk to on this subject, and all I want to do is "follow the law" and have a cool gun at the same time...
Anyone have the "final word" on this one?
![Crying [crying] [crying]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/006.gif)