Polish M44


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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Anyone else here have a Polish M44 Nagant? I've seen them pop up for sale now and then in mint condition and they fetch a high price. This one was my first Mosin. I got it from Terry Goode a while back at one of the first gun shows I ever went to. It shoots great, cycles smooth with any ammo, and is definitely one i'll never let go. Can't remember if I posted this one before, but I figured i'd do it again if I did. [smile]


Got one, like yours, like new, still unfired, 1955 date.
It's nice to have a Mosin that doesn't look like it was drug behind a dirt bike thru a gravel pit.
What are they worth these days?
I saw a list selling one recently for $350. I shoot mine sometimes, but mostly leave it in the safe for fear of having it fall over and get gouged or scratched, its that pretty.[smile] I've been thinking of getting another but they are way too expensive, i'd settle for one in almost as good condition to have a shooter and leave this one as trophy.
Zowie! I think mine will stay unfired!
Paid $150 for it a few years back.
I have a typically rough M38 & M44 that won't be hurt much by shooting.
I've considered buying a mismatched / non "collector" grade M44 to drop in a sporter stock for a knock around rifle, but I am not willing to pay gunshow prices and haven't found a candidate yet.
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