Police arrest man accused of posting photos suggesting violence towards police

Feb 6, 2012
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Police arrest man accused of posting photos suggesting violence towards police

lousy trigger discipline but it's kind of a stretch to say that he was suggesting violence towards police. Maybe he was at the ready to back them up. I guess it's all perspective and plugging it in to fit your anti 2A agenda.

Arrested for not committing a crime or arrested for committing a crime if interpretation?

Anyway, when will idiots stop posting crap on BF and other social media?
I'm not sure what to call it, but driving a car holding a gun with your finger on the trigger, with no intention of shooting it (presumably) so you could take a picture of it and post it to social media does not seem like a very good idea at best, and likely illegal in a Judge's opinion.
Maybe the Facebook poster was offering his help to defend the police.
What is the context?
Regardless of his intentions his actions don’t help us. Would anybody feel diffently if he was outside a school taking these pics? Stupid is as stipid does.

Oh yes, the “doesn’t help our cause” argument on why it’s okay to arrest people for things that aren’t crimes.

Your post doesn’t help our cause. You deserve to be arrested.
I've been suggesting violence towards Clowns for years, but have no photos to back it up.

so when what's her name came out with Trumps severed head or rapper guy giving out Zimm's address on public media for retribution, that's ok then, but cops are special so a couple of detective had to figure who this guy was. (as he was posting from a fake account)
Regardless of his intentions his actions don’t help us. Would anybody feel diffently if he was outside a school taking these pics? Stupid is as stupid does.

The only problem I have with this is that if its being done under the "cover" of some kind of "criminal threatening" law etc they at least should apply it evenly.

I would bet pretty much anything that if you swapped out the police pics with a guy parked in front of a Trump supporters house (say they still had a big sign in the yard) or something like that, absolutely nothing would be done. Maybe in a locality where the CLEO took things like that seriously, perhaps...

I also bet that ANTIFA etc has done this kind of shit all over and mostly gotten the "slides away on a layer of crisco" treatment because nobody has enough time to listen to or respond to all the threats of violence made by moonbats. But if some guy is going to get prosecuted for making a generic, no specific threat against LEOs then there's no reason that moonbats should be getting the same "free bingo square" slide treatment for routinely making death threats against gun owners on faceplant and that kind of thing, and it wouldn't be terribly hard for the cops to find some of these people, given that some of those sorts of people are on "your town here" facebook page, etc, trying to stir up shit with RKBA advocates.

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I don't have a problem with this guy having some legal problems now. It's pretty clear that these pictures are meant to intimidate. Don't think brandishing and armed intimidation fall within 2A.
Anyone notice that for the past few years anyone trying to report online harassment, including direct and specific threats of violence are normally met with the response that the police do not know how to deal with social media or cannot do anything about social media posts, but one twitter post even suggesting being impolite to an officer or police department and they are knocking on a door inside of five minutes?
The only problem I have with this is that if its being done under the "cover" of some kind of "criminal threatening" law etc they at least should apply it evenly.

I would bet pretty much anything that if you swapped out the police pics with a guy parked in front of a Trump supporters house (say they still had a big sign in the yard) or something like that, absolutely nothing would be done. Maybe in a locality where the CLEO took things like that seriously, perhaps...

I also bet that ANTIFA etc has done this kind of shit all over and mostly gotten the "slides away on a layer of crisco" treatment because nobody has enough time to listen to or respond to all the threats of violence made by moonbats. But if some guy is going to get prosecuted for making a generic, no specific threat against LEOs then there's no reason that moonbats should be getting the same "free bingo square" slide treatment for routinely making death threats against gun owners on faceplant and that kind of thing, and it wouldn't be terribly hard for the cops to find some of these people, given that some of those sorts of people are on "your town here" facebook page, etc, trying to stir up shit with RKBA advocates.


I understand that, the point I was trying to make is more of a common sense thing vs stupidity in today’s atmosphere of shootings and mental health questions.

What’s the most prevalent thing we hear for days or weeks after each of these school shootings (besides ban everything), it’s “what were the overt signs leading up to this and how were they missed?”

I wasn’t saying that police lives are any more important than anybody else’s nor do I believe that. Not knowing the full story behind this (all I saw in the thread were the photos), you’d have to be a complete and total F’ing moron to go around doing this and then posting pictures of it. Those are the exact types of overt signs that everybody is looking for these days in their panic and misguided efforts to stop any more mass shootings or execution style slayings of 5-0 that we’ve seen recently.

Is this just a case of PSGWSP? What’s his history? Recently arrested for something else? Ex-con? Found out a cop was banging his girlfriend? Just has a hair across his ass for cops in general? I don’t know man, what I do know is he’s an idiot, lot of that going around these days.
I’m all for keeping the man out of my shit, but this guy is a straight up moron. Even without the cop cars in the pics, what kind of idiot goes driving around snapping gun selfies out his windshield? Too bad he didn’t drive himself into a tree or something trying to juggle his phone, his weapon, and his steering wheel...
I understand that, the point I was trying to make is more of a common sense thing vs stupidity in today’s atmosphere of shootings and mental health questions.

What’s the most prevalent thing we hear for days or weeks after each of these school shootings (besides ban everything), it’s “what were the overt signs leading up to this and how were they missed?”

I wasn’t saying that police lives are any more important than anybody else’s nor do I believe that. Not knowing the full story behind this (all I saw in the thread were the photos), you’d have to be a complete and total F’ing moron to go around doing this and then posting pictures of it. Those are the exact types of overt signs that everybody is looking for these days in their panic and misguided efforts to stop any more mass shootings or execution style slayings of 5-0 that we’ve seen recently.

Is this just a case of PSGWSP? What’s his history? Recently arrested for something else? Ex-con? Found out a cop was banging his girlfriend? Just has a hair across his ass for cops in general? I don’t know man, what I do know is he’s an idiot, lot of that going around these days.

I agree with your points, mostly- I guess what I was driving at, is if we're going to have a society where someone's getting "investigated" for posting something stupid like that because it's deemed a "threat" then at least that standard (or whatever test is used for that standard) should be applied equally, and not just when "the police", "some politician" or "a school" gets (vaguely) threatened.

Of course it doesn't help matters here that there's a lot of gray area. There are obviously serious 1A implications in play on one end vs a limitation of someone inciting violence, etc.

Say for example one of us here utters something like "Well, hopefully some guy will cause politician businblah, to eat a bullet someday." Depending on how someone spins a comment like
that, that can range from "provocative comment" to "threat".

This is the type of thing where the law might more or less say "well, this guy could get "checked out" but absent some other indicator, an arrest might not actually be possible".

Anyone notice that for the past few years anyone trying to report online harassment, including direct and specific threats of violence are normally met with the response that the police do not know how to deal with social media or cannot do anything about social media posts, but one twitter post even suggesting being impolite to an officer or police department and they are knocking on a door inside of five minutes?

good point, there is always cries that police just don't have time or ability to hunt down FB threats, however in this case dude was posting under a fake account, so I'd imagine that they had to go through some hoops to figure out who he was.
But. So you’re really not.

You can stuff that. You have no idea who I am or what I stand for. If it will help make you feel more comfortable though, I will rephrase...

I don’t want the man, or anyone else for that matter, anywhere near my shit. STOP

On a completely different, and totally unrelated note, the dude who is the main character in this spectacle is an asshat of the highest order. This story would have been much better if it had ended in him shooting his own nuts off while fumbling around trying to snap “cool” pictures to show how much of a badass he is. Goon.
Nope, not at all. If they go after my neighbor, maybe I’m next.

If you will refer to my original post, you will note that I did not say I was cool with him being arrested, you inferred that. I simply pointed out that I felt that the man acted the fool (which I stand by).

What the hell did he expect to happen? Beyond that, what do you expect from me? You want me to stand arm in arm with some yahoo who thinks it’s a good idea to drive down the f’ing road snapping pics with his cell, steering with his knee, while he uses his other free hand to wave around a firearm (with his finger on the trigger)? No thanks.
Nope, not at all. If they go after my neighbor, maybe I’m next.

If you will refer to my original post, you will note that I did not say I was cool with him being arrested, you inferred that. I simply pointed out that I felt that the man acted the fool (which I stand by).

What the hell did he expect to happen? Beyond that, what do you expect from me? You want me to stand arm in arm with some yahoo who thinks it’s a good idea to drive down the f’ing road snapping pics with his cell, steering with his knee, while he uses his other free hand to wave around a firearm (with his finger on the trigger)? No thanks.

I don't really give a damn about the cop cars in the picture; in fact I didn't see them at first. What I did see was some a**h*** waving a gun around with piss poor trigger discipline in a car. I don't stand with him - he's an idiot.
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