Pier Morgan: "I QUIT"

he didn't quit, his show got cancelled, gracious even in defeat I see. what country does he go to next? even the Brits don't want him
It's times like this when the NASIOC "Die In A Fire" emoticon is so handy....

He's an annoying little prick no matter what he's talking about.
He will re-appear on msnbc with a similar crap show. They love cnn rejects there...he aint leaving the USA too many libs love him and will send him their money to stay

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It's times like this when the NASIOC "Die In A Fire" emoticon is so handy....
He's an annoying little prick no matter what he's talking about.

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He is a man of low character, high arrogance, with a string of mediocre accomplishments. Not unlike most other well known liberals
so on a more serious note, are we stuck with him in the US or is he allowed to go back to the UK????? Would he be arrested or possible worse???

Does this mean hes not going to finish his line of gun training videos?
This is old news, it was announced that he was leaving and may taking another position with CNN back in late summer or early fall of 2013.
This is old news, it was announced that he was leaving and may taking another position with CNN back in late summer or early fall of 2013.

yeah, and like back then, I will believe it when I see it. I bet this scum ends up on msnbc or something, maybe porking Rachael maddow
Been reading comments on Facebook about him. Some of his fellow Brits are calling him a "bellend", which is literally a "dick head".

Thanks Piers, for teaching me a new insult. You are truly a bellend.
D and C this morning said that Larry King said he'd come back if asked.

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Been reading comments on Facebook about him. Some of his fellow Brits are calling him a "bellend", which is literally a "dick head".

Thanks Piers, for teaching me a new insult. You are truly a bellend.

I think they may hate him more than we do.

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the arrogant c.s. from england trying to repeat step one in restoring gov. control of the people.

Between 1768-1777, the British policy was to disarm the American colonists by whatever means possible, from entrapment, false promises of safekeeping, banning imports, seizure, and eventually shooting persons bearing arms.

By 1774, the British had embargoed shipments of arms to America, and the Americans responded by arming themselves and forming independent militia companies.

On the night of 18 April 1775, General Gage, Governor of Massachusetts, dispatched several hundred soldiers of the Boston garrison under the command of Major Pitcairn to seize the arms and munitions stored by the illegal colonial militias in Concord.

When Pitcairn encountered the Minutemen on the Lexington common blocking his way, he demanded that they throw down their arms and disperse. Although willing to disperse, the Minutemen were not willing to surrender their arms. The rest is history.

Three days after the British retreat from Concord, General Gage refused to allow Bostonians to leave the city without depositing their arms and ammunition with a Selectman at Faneuil Hall, to be returned at a suitable time after their return. When the citizens of Boston foolishly complied, Gage seized the arms and refused to permit their owners to leave the city. ("Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms," July 6, 1775.)

The news of Gage's seizure of the arms of Bostonians not engaged in hostilities and rumors of British troops sailing from England to seize the arms of the colonists swept the colonies.

The colonists considered these actions a violation of their constitutionally guaranteed right to have and use arms for self-preservation and defense, as indeed they were.

In 1777, William Knox, Under Secretary of State for Colonial Affairs, advocated for the American colonies the creation of a ruling aristocracy loyal to the Crown, the establishment of the Church of England, and an unlimited power to tax. To prevent resistance to these measures, Knox proposed disarming all the people:

The Militia Laws should be repealed and none suffered to be re-enacted & the Arms of all the People should be taken away, & every piece of Ordnance removed into the King's Stores, nor should any Foundry or manufacture of Arms, Gun-powder, or Warlike Stores, be ever suffered in America, nor should any Gunpowder, Lead, Arms or Ordnance be imported into it without License; they will have but little need of such things for the future, as the King's Troops, Ships & Forts will be sufficient to protect them from danger.

We hear the same argument today. You don't need arms for your own protection. The police and military will protect you. The question is, who will protect us from the protectors?
LOL... ****ing jerk-off... he just doesn't get it...

CNN's Piers Morgan threatens NRA: 'I'm not done with you yet'

Piers Morgan may be on his way out at CNN, but he made sure the National Rifle Association knew that he wasn't quite finished with them in a tweet issued Monday.

"I wouldn't get too excited @NRA - I'm not done with you yet," he tweeted, using the hashtag #GunControlNow.

The Twitchy staff, however, had a different opinion.

"Reality would beg to differ, pal," Twitchy said.

The Blaze said Morgan's tweet appeared to be a response to a message sent by the NRA announcing Morgan's ouster.

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