People don't even notice the quote link uparrow


NES Member
Dec 30, 2013
Some caves off Route 40 past Groton
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No one realizes that text quoted from forum posts includes a link to the source post.

I've now had two PM correspondents ask me where properly quoted text came from,
even though the beige quote header...

<author> says:

...includes a blue uparrow following the author name
hyperlinking directly to the post where the quote originated.


The upwards arrow character is so thin that no one can see it without a magnifying glass.


Make the upwards arrow character bigger.

The default arrow... "&uarr;".

Bolding it doesn't really make it bigger - it actually makes it gray!

Try bolding the upwards double arrow "&uArr;" instead...


Maybe some users will think the bold upwards double arrow depicts a house;
perhaps denoting where the quote "lives".

If they want to believe that,
who are we to deny them their little fantasy?

No one realizes that text quoted from forum posts includes a link to the source post.

I always knew that the arrow indicated the poster being quoted, but never knew it was a hot link as well. Thanks for the clarification. I run the dark screen and I see a white arrow until I put the cursor on the arrow and then it turns red.
I always knew that the arrow indicated the poster being quoted, but never knew it was a hot link as well. Thanks for the clarification. I run the dark screen and I see a white arrow until I put the cursor on the arrow and then it turns red.
I actually couldn't make out the blue color at the time I wrote the problem report.
Might be brighter on my Android devices...
Oh, so that's what it is. I just thought it was a symbol for a member of the male toxic masculinity club, except smaller and neutered.


On a serious note, thanks for pointing that out.
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