Patching Holes on Pelican Cases

Sep 21, 2010
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My buddy is giving me a few of his old pelican cases that were mounted to his motorcycle. They have a few screw holes through the bottom. Anyone have ideas on the best way to patch them up? I was thinking some sort of epoxy might do the trick. I don't expect them to be as waterproof as new ones would have been, but I'd rather not have holes in them either.
Not epoxy....too rigid will most likely crack.

I would use shoe goo to fill the hole and apply a piece of zip tape to the inside of the case like you would patch a tire. You will discover that Zip tape has many uses....its become my new duct tape.
Half smart ass answer - flex seal / flex tape.

You can ‘weld’ plastic. They have special kits or you can just get the plastic and use an old solder iron.

Hot glue might also work to a point.

I’d probably use some type of mesh patch and melt some plastic and spread evenly.
Carage bolt and silicon would be a good idea.

If it were me id JB weld it..doubt it'll crack
I was terribly impressed for a moment there when i read the thread title - my colleagues and I are accomplished professionals at breaking shit and proving it’s not waterproof - and Pelican cases have never lost a round.

Was disappointed to see it was drilled through - was really looking forward to a great story about how you put a hole in a Pelican case!
Oh, and just epoxy those holes. If it’s just going to be a case for pistols going to and from the range, you’ll be fine. Not like it will be submerged or beat up.
I thought the same thing.. ive warped a couple stuffing them...ive yet to break a handle or latch.

With jb weld, patch it, sand it. Itll be good as new
Are they ABS plastic? If so, you can fill them with "ABS Weld" (for ABS pipes, can be found at Home Depot but rare in MA due to our plumbing regs). You'll need some donor ABS plastic as well, and a soldering iron or woodburner.
epoxy happens all the time fo us that use them for service tool cases when you ship world wide last minute so gorilla on some continent is bound to damage crack or other wise compromise
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