On the way home!!

Oct 28, 2005
South Shore Mass.
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I just got the great news that My Brother in law is ending his second tour of Iraq with the 3rd ID. He is scheduled to leave on the 7th of this month and will be back at Ft Benning GA somewhere between the 11th and the 13th. He then gets a 30 day leave starting early Feb. We cant wait to hug and thank him!

Our families are very proud of him and are super excited that he is coming home!

Thank you for having a place where I could post this.
Sweet, please tell him we are all proud of him and please thank him for his service from all of us.
You don't have to hug him for me, as I don't know him. But you're more than welcome to give him a nuggie for me.

As well, tell him that we said thanks for his service, and that we appreciate him risking his life so we can enjoy ours.
Back in the States!!!

We just got the phone call. My Brother in law (who I've known since he was 7 and is now 31) Is now at home at Ft Benning Georgia. From his second tour of Iraq! He is in the 3rd ID, was involved in the first attack on Iraq and captured the first Iraqi flag. He was involved in the taking of the Airport, the blitz runs into downtown Baghdad (when Baghdad Bob was telling the world no US Troops were there) and countless other operations. The second tour found him serving 12 months at FOB Normandy near the Iran border. Dealing with IED's, motor, RPG's and rocket fire and AK-47's.

I tip my hat to SSGT Hunt and thank him for his service. The whole family is happy he is home and look forward to seeing him soon. He is due to Marry in Oct. of this year.
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