Old school Break Free (CLP)

May 1, 2006
Warren, MA
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Anyone come across any of this? I just got a bottle this weekend (with a bunch of other goodies!) Haven't smelled CLP like that since I was in the Marines. What's the deal? Formulation change or something? The new stuff doesn't have the sludge that accumulated at the bottom like the old does. I'm don't think it works any better than the old formula either.[sad2]
The old stuff has a sweet smell, altogether not unpleasant (not Hoppes though!) and was somewhat opaque, not clear like the new stuff.
I still have a few bottles of LSA from the "way back" days. It still works OK.
This is the reason that I don't use the CLP anymore...the smell is horrible! The stuff we had in the 80's ( USMC ) was decent smelling stuff. It may not have worked the best but at least it smelled good. :)

Joe R.
Not sure what the stuff was. If I leave the bottle to settle, it smells just like the new stuff. I am tempted to sample the sludge and see what it is.

JoeR I was in from 87-95, so we were using the same stuff for sure.
1981-1989 myself. I do remember that you had to shake it up to get the teflon and other parts of the sludge to mix to get it's preservative qualities. The new stuff is just so pungent that I can smell it at a distance. Miltech is good stuff but is there a better lube available now?

Joe R.
Had me 3 pints of the stuff. I had to put ball bearings in and shake to break up the sludge. All those warnings on the bottles about carcinogens/mutagens kind of dulled my interest in the stuff. I turned it in to town hazardous waste.
I have an Army issue Otis/Gerber weapons cleaning kit that contains the Otis equivalent to Break free CLP. I can tell you that I have used both and the Otis product smells far stronger than the Break free.
I started using MilTec when I was in the sand box and now use it on all my guns here - works great and makes it easyer to clean the guns after shooting.
Have some CLP laying around but don't use it any more.
For me it's not the smell but how the guns perform with the stuff.
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