Oak Bluffs Monster Shark Tournament

Registration has begun for the O.B. Shark Tournament. See details at www.bbgfc.com

Always a good time...

I crewed for a friend's boat in this tournament twice, that last time about 5 years ago. He won't fish this tourney anymore because he feels it's gotten too big.

Personally, I'd like to find another boat to crew for.
Well, since I don't have my own boat that option is out. One of the boats I used to tourney fish with has moved with its owner to FL, and the other guy isn't doing the Monster this year.
I don't know if I have been brainwashed by the eviro-facists, but aren't some
sharks considered threatened species? I hate fishing contests anyway. I
equate it to commercial fishing, but without a purpose. When I see the crowds
around the piers and the dead sharks being tossed around like bait for the
enjoyment of the blood lusting vampires, it sickens me. It's no way to respect
such a fantastic predator, and a beautiful fish.

I'd love to do it but my boat isn't even close to the kind need (style and range) nor do I have any gear to even begin to think about fishing for sharks in the weight range these guys go after....

I watch the event when they show it on TV. It looks incredible.

They use the captured sharks for research and a lot of tagging takes place on the smaller sharks that are released. Any that are considered edible (mako for one) are donated to food shelters.

It's not as barbaric an event as one might think.....
I don't know if I have been brainwashed by the eviro-facists, but aren't some
sharks considered threatened species? I hate fishing contests anyway. I
equate it to commercial fishing, but without a purpose. When I see the crowds
around the piers and the dead sharks being tossed around like bait for the
enjoyment of the blood lusting vampires, it sickens me. It's no way to respect
such a fantastic predator, and a beautiful fish.


On average, there are only 15-20 sharks killed in this tournament out of the 250+ sharks that are caught and released. Yeah, hauling a shark up onto the dock is a crowd pleaser, it's something that most people never see in their lives. Both the Mako and the Thresher sharks are EXCELLENT eating and none of it goes to waste. The Blue sharks are studied and donated to a pet food company who has a refrigerated truck standing by at the docks. There are some sharks that are a threatened species, ie. the White Shark. They are federally protected and not killed in any tournament. The fishing is done under IGFA rules and is quite a challenge.
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