NYC mayoral candidate Eric Adams wants Democrats to go after handguns


NES Member
Jun 23, 2013
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Archive link: Adams says Democratic lawmakers 'misplaced' priorities on efforts to curb gun violence
On the issue of gun control, Adams also said it the focus should not only be on assault rifles, but also on handguns.

"The numbers of those who are killed by handguns are astronomical and if we don't start having real federal legislation, matched with states and cities, we're never going to get this crisis understand control," he said.
Played to the Democratic base in misusing the term "assault rifles," but I assume whatever he wishes would happen with regard to handguns would entail more restrictions and include nothing to address the root causes of violence.
He's a retired cop who, if I remember correctly, was carrying off duty and stopped a mugging and is a big proponent of cops carrying while off the clock. Also stated he will carry as Mayor.

Rights for me but not for thee. He is extra special after all.
This idiot is so typical of your average cop or military of today, They never had a firearm of any kind until they entered such service. Then they became "indoctrinated" by the "Indoctrinated" instructors and trainers. He is not bright enough to research and read where and why these gun laws were created.
This idiot is so typical of your average cop or military of today, They never had a firearm of any kind until they entered such service. Then they became "indoctrinated" by the "Indoctrinated" instructors and trainers. He is not bright enough to research and read where and why these gun laws were created.

Probably bright enough, just too lazy and understanding it wouldn't fit his intended goal/agenda. NYC will fall hard in due time....from within.
He's a retired cop who, if I remember correctly, was carrying off duty and stopped a mugging and is a big proponent of cops carrying while off the clock. Also stated he will carry as Mayor.

Rights for me but not for thee. He is extra special after all.

It's Chinatown, Jake. . . er, NYC, Junior. Rights??? You don't get rights. Rights are for the privileged.
Probably bright enough, just too lazy and understanding it wouldn't fit his intended goal/agenda. NYC will fall hard in due time....from within.
No, he is not "Bright Enough"! I don't make excuses for these A$$HOLES. I would suggest that we should all stop making excuses and helping to mitigate what these Communist, Power Hungry, Bastards are up to.
This idiot is so typical of your average cop or military of today, They never had a firearm of any kind until they entered such service. Then they became "indoctrinated" by the "Indoctrinated" instructors and trainers. He is not bright enough to research and read where and why these gun laws were created.
You write that is if he's not down with NYC Jim Crow Gun Laws.

How ya gonna keep 'em on the Urban Vote-Harvesting Plantation
if they gain their civil rights?
He's a retired cop who, if I remember correctly, was carrying off duty and stopped a mugging and is a big proponent of cops carrying while off the clock. Also stated he will carry as Mayor.

Rights for me but not for thee. He is extra special after all.

He's holding out for special bribes for licenses if he gets elected.
He's a retired cop who, if I remember correctly, was carrying off duty and stopped a mugging and is a big proponent of cops carrying while off the clock. Also stated he will carry as Mayor.

Rights for me but not for thee. He is extra special after all.

That essentially sums up NYC and a good portion of NY in general.
I don't like his elitist attitude towards 2A, but I love how much his victory upset the far left. So there's that.

don’t underestimate how left adams is, he was endorsed by far left dems too (pelosi stooge Hakeem jefferies was a big Adams supporter). He is a leftist just not as left as a few of the nut candidates in NYC.

Archive link: Adams says Democratic lawmakers 'misplaced' priorities on efforts to curb gun violence

Played to the Democratic base in misusing the term "assault rifles," but I assume whatever he wishes would happen with regard to handguns would entail more restrictions and include nothing to address the root causes of violence.
What he really means is to go after all legally own handguns, or is anyone gullible enough to believe that this applies to criminals?
What he really means is to go after all legally own handguns, or is anyone gullible enough to believe that this applies to criminals?
It's 2021. At this point gun owners can just accept that as an axiom. There is no need to state the obvious fact that criminals will be effectively exempt from any future restrictions, just as they are effectively exempt from current restrictions. It's understood.
Handguns were supposed to be included and were in fact the main goal of the restictions in the 1934 National Firearm Act.
They were only removed from the legislation at the last minute.
The goal of the NFA was to restrict the ownership of concealable firearms.
Thats why all that short rifle and short shotgun nonsense is in the NFA.
Its been a dream of these fools for a long time.
Heller made it unlikely to ever happen.

Hey a$$hole, why don't you try locking up criminals after you catch them.
Statistics prove that crime goes down when you take the scumbags off the street.

Hey a$$hole, why don't you try locking up criminals after you catch them.
Statistics prove that crime goes down when you take the scumbags off the street.

It's inhumane to lock these victims of systemic racism up! [slap]
f*** him and his arrogant superiority complex. “I’m going to carry while mayor but your average New Yorker is too stupid and too untrained to be trusted with a firearm.”

Archive link: Adams says Democratic lawmakers 'misplaced' priorities on efforts to curb gun violence

Played to the Democratic base in misusing the term "assault rifles," but I assume whatever he wishes would happen with regard to handguns would entail more restrictions and include nothing to address the root causes of violence.
Yes, I'm sure all the gangbangers and whackos will conform to all these new laws, just like they conform to the current laws now.
Bring back Stop and Frisk along with the Gang Unit and half your problems are solved...
S&F is a 5th Amendment violation.

Bringing back the (organized crime) gang unit and impeaching do nothing Soros DA's & Judges (or kicking those cases up to the Feds if the locals refuse to do their jobs) is the way.
Do the NYPD "auxiliary police" get to carry guns or nah? Or is it like how the SS don't let the Jewish police have guns? Want to have gun rights in NYC unless you're rich and connected, is the only other way is to be a cop?
Do the NYPD "auxiliary police" get to carry guns or nah? Or is it like how the SS don't let the Jewish police have guns? Want to have gun rights in NYC unless you're rich and connected, is the only other way is to be a cop?
NYPD Aux POs do not carry guns and don't have arrest powers.

Hey a$$hole, why don't you try locking up criminals after you catch them.
Statistics prove that crime goes down when you take the scumbags off the street.

The mayor doesn’t even matter. City after city, the cops make arrests of real criminals at a decent pace but the local DA or states attorney dismisses the charges. Criminals are emboldened because there is literally no risk or downside to crime and police are dispirited and often stop enforcing the law.

Portland OR, Chicago, Baltimore, NYC, metro DC, St. Louis, Sf, LA, Austin, Minneapolis, etc the DAs/states attorney are the problem (almost completely). Unless they are removed or like VA where the new AG said he’d take over prosecutions from the soros DAs, things will get even worse.
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