NH F&G commissioner, Wolf in sheeps clothing?

Aug 14, 2009
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]From GOA alert just now!
My thoughts on this...
Just NRA memberships are not good enough to be considered a friend to the gun owners. Supporting good legislation is what determines where you stand on firearms. Commissioner Patch opposed and seconded the motion against Constitutional Carry (SB12) and opposed HB84, repeal of "possession is a crime" statutes regarding long guns as a member of the F&G commission.

When you are an appointed member overseeing an agency, rubber stamping their anti-gun activities is not being a responsible voice for the gun owners. It is time for a replacement.


Urge Your Exec. Councilor to Oppose the Anti-Gun Patch Nomination


Please copy-and-paste the letter provided below and send it to your Executive Councilor with the links provided below. Urge him to oppose the anti-gun David Patch nomination. You can also call your Councilor at (603) 271-3632.

Not a GOA member yet? You can join Gun Owners of America today for only $20!

Help Purge Anti-Gun 'Lobbyists' from the Fish & Game Commission

Dear Gun Owner,

I need your help in stopping an anti-gunner from continuing his position on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission.

While this Commission is tasked with some worthwhile goals, they have effectively become an anti-gun lobbying arm of Michael Bloomberg.
The Commission is made up of 11 citizens who are nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Executive Council.
The Fish and Game Commission's serves as the "stewards of the fish, wildlife, and marine resources of the state of New Hampshire..." They are also charged with setting general policy for conservation and public education.
But sadly, the Commission has become nothing more than a group of anti-gun activists with a fancy name.
Why is the Fish and Game Commission Opposing Constitutional Carry?
This year alone, the Commission took a unanimous vote to oppose Constitutional Carry which was signed into law by Governor Chris Sununu on February 22.
They are also actively opposing HB 84 which will decriminalize the carrying of loaded rifles and shotguns in cars.
Unfortunately, Governor Sununu has renominated anti-gun Commissioner David Patch (Carroll County) for another 5-year term.
David Patch is currently the Vice Chairman of the Commission. He seconded the motion made by anti-gun Commissioner Walter Morse (Hillsborough County) to oppose SB 12, Constitutional Carry.
The Commission then voted unanimously to oppose Constitutional Carry and decriminalizing carrying rifles and shotguns in cars.
Urge your Executive Councilor to Oppose the Patch Nomination
So here is where you come in.
I need you to contact your elected Executive Councilor and urge him to oppose the Patch nomination which may be voted on as early as April 19.
You can see who your Councilor is here.
Our partners at the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition have posted several alerts on their website explaining their anti-gun activities in detail.
In response to their calls for his defeat, David Patch contacted NHFC to complain about their alerts.
He must think that Granite Staters are stupid because he actually claimed to support the Second Amendment and blamed his anti-gun votes on some unnamed attorney's opinion which claimed the language in SB 12, Constitutional Carry was "unenforceable"!
This is a smokescreen being used to deflect attention from his anti-gun activities.

You can click here to contact your Executive Councilor. Simply copy the letter below ... click on your Councilor's email address ... then paste the text into the email and send it to him.
You can also call him at (603) 271-3632. The Council office is open during the week, and you can leave your message with the receptionist.

Please also urge Governor Sununu to withdraw the nomination of this anti-gun activist.
You can call the Governor's Office at (603) 271-2121 or use this form to send an email: https://business.nh.gov/nhgovernor/comments.asp
Please don't wait, take action today.
We must defeat the Patch nomination so that we can refocus the Commission back to its traditional role of conserving and protecting wildlife and stop the anti-gun activism at the Fish and Game Department.
Thank you for your help.
Michael Hammond
Legislative Counsel

Dear Councilor,
On April 19, please vote against the nomination of David Patch to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission.
As a Commissioner, David Patch seconded the motions to oppose SB 12 Constitutional Carry and HB 84 to end the ban on loaded firearms in vehicles; a possessory only gun offense.
David Patch has been actively lobbying the legislature on firearms specific legislation that has nothing to do with the stated purpose of the Commission in R.S.A. 206:4-a, which includes: Establishment of positions on proposed legislation that affects fish, wildlife, and marine resources and the overall management of the fish and game department.
Furthermore, as per R.S.A. 206:4-a, the Commission is supposed to be "the citizens' representatives, to be the stewards of the fish, wildlife, and marine resources of the state of New Hampshire..."
It's clear that actively opposing bills such as SB 12 which was enacted into law on February 22, is not acting as the "citizens' representative, to be the stewards of the fish wildlife and marine resources."
Defeating the nomination of David Patch is a much-needed step in reforming the Fish and Game Commission.
Thank you for your consideration.

yeah...my Executive Counselor is Volinsky...good luck with that. I have sent him emails several times about other stuff and he is about as left wing as one can get. I will get nowhere with him. Is it worth contacting at least the Republican Counselors, even if they aren't in my district?

I have contacted the Governor's office concerning this...haven't heard anything back...not even a form letter/email.
Well, does anyone know of any Government Agency or Law Enforcement Agency that actually believes that people should be allowed to carry firearms? Especially handguns?

I don't.
On the bright side, if they achieve their goal of eliminating firearms, hunting will go away, they can rename themselves "the fish commission" and they can cut their budget by 50%.
For some reason Patch was not voted on today. Not on the docket for some reason. I do not know why. Keep up the emails.
An update from NHFC on F&G commissioner nominations and HB84. Help is still needed on both.

Dear Gun Owner,

I want to send you a report of last week's action in Concord.

On Wednesday, April 19, I attended the Executive Council meeting to see who would vote for and who would vote against anti-gun Fish and Game Commissioner David Patch. There was no vote and his name was not on the agenda. I suspect that Governor Sununu removed his name from the agenda due to your calls and emails to all five Executive Councilors. We need to keep the heat on, you now have their attention and they are waiting for the furor to quiet down.

It is very important to keep the calls and emails coming. We cannot let them off the hook, we must insist that the nomination of anti-gun David Patch be defeated or formally withdrawn. You see, if the Governor does not withdraw anti-gun David Patch stays even if he is not confirmed because R.S.A. 206:3 provides that:
"The members shall hold office for a term of 5 years, and each shall continue in office until his successor is appointed and qualified."

I need you to call and email Governor Sununu and urge him to formally withdraw the nomination of anti-gun David Patch to the Fish and Game Commission.

You can call the Governors office: (603) 271-2121 and politely ask the receptionist to tell the Governor that you are opposed to having an anti-gun activist on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission. Please urge the Governor to replace David Patch with someone who will not attack the Second Amendment and who will properly supervise the Fish and Game Department and work to stop the anti-gun activism in the department.

You can click here to email the Governor.Please use this pre-written message:

Dear Governor Sununu:

David Patch is an anti-gun activist who Seconded the motion made at a Fish and Game Commission meeting to oppose Constitutional Carry. A bill that you signed into law. Furthermore, the Fish and Game Department has become a rogue agency that routinely violates citizens Fifth Amendment rights and we need Commissioners who will faithfully fulfill their statutory duties to be the "citizens' representatives instead of promoting gun control.

Thanks for your kind consideration.

Please click here to find out who your Executive Councilor is and to find out how to contact him. Please let the Executive Council know that anti-gun David Patch is completely unacceptable and that you expect him to be replaced with a nominee who will not attack your Second Amendment civil rights.

If you prefer you may call: (603) 271-3632 and simply ask the receptionist to deliver the above message to your Executive Councilor.

I also want to report what the Senate did with HB 84 to decriminalize loaded rifles and shotguns.

I'll be blunt: Due to a few weak kneed Senators we did not get everything we asked for. However, the amendment which passed the Senate, will stop the flagrant abuses by anti-gun Conservation Officers of those who may use the bed of a pickup truck to target shoot or who might lay a loaded rifle in or on a vehicle. Furthermore, the Senate amendment will also allow loaded rifles in areas other than the passenger compartment of a vehicle. Finally, those who are living in camper, RV or motor home, will not be denied their choice of a defensive weapon. While not exactly what we have asked for, this does in fact represent an improvement over current law which contains an absolute prohibition on loaded rifles and shotguns in vehicles and has been grossly abused by overzealous Conservation Officers.

I believe that if the Senate amended version of HB 84 becomes law. it will help many law abiding firearms owners. HB 84 will now go to a committee of conference to work out the differences between the House and Senate versions. It is vitally important to decriminalize the carrying of loaded rifles. This is not a fish and game, hunting or sportsman issue. This draconian gun ban is a violation of the Second Amendment and we will keep insisting on a full repeal. Once we find out when the committee of conference will meet and who will be on the committee I will send an action alert letting you know what needs to be done.

Thanks for your support. Without you, the grassroots gun owners, we would no have come as far as we have.

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director - NHFC

P.S.: Have you ever received a ticket or even a written warning for having a loaded firearm in a vehicle? Were you ever told by a Conservation Officer that if you are observed carrying a loaded firearm in the woods, at any time, it is presumed you are poaching? Have you ever been forced or coerced into taking a Conservation Officer back to the area where you harvested wild game and then been subjected to an endless barrage of questions, then, after answering those questions truthfully, your reward for your honesty was a ticket for maybe being a little to close to the road or to close to building even though no one was harmed? I have been credibly informed that most Conservation Officers cannot prove such cases without an admission (that means YOU showing or TELLING the Conservation Officer what you did); Conservation Officers rarely, if at all, read people their Miranda rights so the average person has no idea that their honesty with a Conservation Officer will earn them a trip to court, or loss of their hunting rights. Never, ever, lie, but remember, you cannot be forced to talk. Silence is golden!

We want to hear your reports of abuse by Fish and Game Conservation Officers. Please mail or attach to your email any documents you have regarding the incident. We intend to use every legal means at our disposal to show how utterly out of control and rogue the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department has become. We refuse to sit idly by and allow the department to continue to push gun control on otherwise law abiding hunters and firearms owners.

We have already posted some of your reports, please keep sending them.

If anything like this has ever happened to you please reply to this email and attach any documents you have regarding the incident. If you wish to remain anonymous we will respect your wishes, but we need your true stories to stop the anti-gun activism at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Remember, the majority of fish and game offenses are violations. In New Hampshire, someone convicted of a violation does not face jail time. These are very low-level offenses that in most cases do not result in the loss of the right to own firearms, but nonetheless are detrimental to your record.

P.P.S.: The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is working tirelessly to keep gun owners like you up-to-date on as many gun issues as possible -- please consider contributing to the effort by chipping in $15 or $20.

Click here to support NHFC by purchasing one of our custom rifles.

Was this email forwarded to you? Click here to go to our home page and sign up for legislative alerts.

Not an NHFC Member? Click here to join.

Well, does anyone know of any Government Agency or Law Enforcement Agency that actually believes that people should be allowed to carry firearms? Especially handguns?

I don't.

I do. When I lived out west the SO and the surrounding cities were pro gun. An armed citizen stopped a robbery (subject armed with a knife) and the citizen pulled his gun. The city police gave him a commendation. A city officer had to go to my house one night to tell my wife I was hurt in the hospital. It was about 9 or 10 at night so she took a minute to get to the door because she had to grab her gun. She told the officer that and he said he didn't blame her. It was hard to see who was at the door at that place.

While working at the SO in Idaho I do not know of any Patrol or Detention Deputy or ISP trooper, or city officers that were anti-gun. Everyone was pro self defense.
The Patch nomination was pushed out two more weeks.

It seems that Councilor Kenney is now supporting him.
"On Tuesday, Kenney said of Patch: "He is a man of public service and well-thought of by the people of Carroll County. I'm good with where I'm at on this. I think David does a great job.""

For Patch to win he needs three votes and he has two already.

Sources that were at the Council meeting this morning say that Councilor Pappas is supporting Patch.

FWIW. councilor Chris Pappas thinks using firearms for a political fundraiser is unconscionable So why is someone as anti-gun as Pappas supporting someone who claims to be "pro-2a"???? If Patch was as strong a second amendment guy as he claims, Pappas would be voting no.


New Hampshire Union Leader Staff

MANCHESTER – City Republicans will be packing some serious firepower at their next party fundraiser.

Tired of the usual chicken dinners, the Manchester Republican Committee is planning to arm supporters next month with Uzis, M-16 rifles and other automatic weapons for a day of target practice at a Pelham firing range.

"The thought just struck me one day: a machine gun shoot. What the heck?" said Jerry Thibodeau, the committee chairman.

Thibodeau, who is himself a hunter and skeet shooter, pitched the Aug. 5 event as a fun social gathering, as well as a demonstration of the party's support for Second Amendment rights.

The concept prompted shudders across the political aisle. Chris Pappas, the city Democratic party chairman, called the event "not just in poor taste; it is downright offensive."

"The citizens of Manchester have lived through a deadly spike in violent crime the past year-and-a-half, despite the campaign promises of (Mayor) Frank Guinta to lower crime rates," Pappas said. "That the mayor's political party would seek to glorify the use of machine guns for political gain is unconscionable."

The GOP fundraiser will be held at the Pelham Fish and Game Club. Proceeds, Thibodeau said, will be split among the party, the club and the gun supplier.

Councilor Pappas also endorsed Hillary Clinton:

MANCHESTER, NH -- The New Hampshire for Hillary campaign today announced the endorsement of Chris Pappas, Chair of the Manchester City Democrats and Hillsborough County Treasurer. "Hillary Clinton speaks strongly and clearly and has a tremendous grasp on the issues. The first thing the next president has to do is to get us out of Iraq swiftly and reengage the world community," said Pappas. "I know no one will take up that task more aggressively and more successfully than Sen. Clinton. Her vast experience will enable her to be successful from the moment she steps into the White House."

So again, why is the most anti gun councilor supporting Patch?

It seems that phone calls to Councilor Kenney are in order to ask him why he is joining Anti-Gun Pappas to support Patch.

From a NHFC email about the NH Fish and Game Dept that I don't see posted here:

...Sadly, a few vocal hunters think that the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department is their friend. This couldn't be further from the truth, just ask the people who have been abused by the Fish and Game Department. The department is not only anti-gun, but is anti-Constitution. Not only do they not support our Second Amendment right to self defense, they also do not support our Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination. The Fish and Game Department even has an administrative rule that forces hunters to "take fish and game personnel back to the kill site, the site of carcass evisceration, or both,". The Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination apparently does not apply to the anti-gun Conservation Officers of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.

I became concerned about this unconstitutional behavior when I watched a few episodes of Northwoods Law: New Hampshire and I saw Conservation Officers culling through deer and turkey registration forms and then forcing hunters to take them back to the kill site and answer questions. One hunter, in the Marlborough area, was cleared of wrong doing; but 2 turkey hunters were forced to admit wrong doing and self incriminate themselves. I don't condone law breakers of any sort. Even those who break laws and rules that I disagree with like Fish and Game laws. However, I believe very strongly in Constitutional protections and Conservation Officers should have to prove their case and an administrative rule that forces people to waive their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination is just plain wrong and shows the culture of this rogue agency.

In a recent publication some guy named Bill Carney rushes to defend David Patch's anti-gun votes and policy positions and trashes your right to defend yourself. Mr. Carney disagrees with HB 84, which will decriminalization the possession of loaded rifles and shotguns in vehicles. Mr. Carney seems to think this anti-Second Amendment law is a "GUN SAFETY law" (emphasis in original). A gun safety law; wow, that sounds just like the same anti-gun rhetoric that comes from former Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords and her anti-gun husband, Mark Kelly. They also talk about gun safety as a way to direct attention away from bills like "see a shrink lose your guns" or gun and magazine ban laws. They also claim their opposition to nationwide concealed carry recognition is about safety. Sorry Mr. Carney, your argument about safety is just another anti-gun ruse.

Even worse, Mr. Carney failed to mention the fact that David Patch and the Fish and Game Commission also opposed SB 12, Constitutional Carry...
More news from NHFC on Patch as well as Pappas, who is supporting him:


Dear Gun owner,

We have received several calls and emails asking why we are so vigorously opposing anti-gun David Patch for another 5 year term on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission. Many folks are rightfully confused because Mr. Patch owns a gun store and talks about firearms. However, that's all it is, double talk from a political charlatan. To be sure, I have seen many gun dealers who sell guns, that are opposed to the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition's view that no infringements on your rights are acceptable. However, since we have heard from a few folks, I'll try to answer all the questions in one email.

First, pursuant to R.S.A. 206:4, the only legislation that the Fish and Game Commission may weigh in on is: "...proposed legislation that affects fish, wildlife, and marine resources and the overall management of the fish and game department."
( R.S.A. 206:4, V)

Sadly, since David Patch joined the Fish and Game Commission, they have not only become an anti-gun activist organization within state government by opposing the decrimilazation of carrying loaded rifles and shotguns in cars and opposing Constitutional Carry, but they have also weighed in on a myriad of issues that are in no way related to: "...proposed legislation that affects fish, wildlife, and marine resources and the overall management of the fish and game department."

The Fish and Game Commission has weighed in on things, like opposition to a bill that would have prohibited state and local law enforcement from assisting Federal law enforcement in the collection of data without a warrant. Involving the commission in bills that would determine what types of license plates may be placed on certain commercial vehicles, opposing a bill that would prohibit state and local law enforcement from enforcing federal anti-gun laws, maintaining railroad crossings, reducing OHRV registration fees for members of clubs (making non-club members pay extra), opposing literally dozens of bills which were intended to increase the accountability of law enforcement, the use of drones and much more. The list of non fish and game bills supported or opposed since anti-gun David Patch joined the Fish and Game Commission is endless and grows every year.

Typically, the positions on most legislation is determined at the January meeting of the Fish and Game Commission. Click here to find all the minutes from the past few years.

My Statehouse sources told me that it is highly likely that proven, anti-gun, Executive Councilor Chris Pappas will vote to confirm David Patch. How anti-gun is Chris Pappas? Well he once said:
"Hillary Clinton speaks strongly and clearly and has a tremendous grasp on the issues."

And when the Manchester Republican party held a machinegun shoot fundraiser, Chris Pappas said:

"The citizens of Manchester have lived through a deadly spike in violent crime the past year-and-a-half, despite the campaign promises of (Mayor) Frank Guinta to lower crime rates," Pappas said. "That the mayor's political party would seek to glorify the use of machine guns for political gain is unconscionable."

Action Item: Even if you have already done so, please click here to find out how to contact your Executive Councilor. Urge him to defeat the Patch nomination. Then contact Governor Sununu and urge him to withdraw the Patch nomination. Click here for contact information for the Governor.

Remember, the only way that anti-gun Commissioner David Patch gets reconfirmed is if the likes of anti-gun, Hillary Clinton supporter, Chris Pappas votes to confirm him to another 5 year term on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission.

Please call all five counselors and ask them to oppose Patch given his 5 year anti-gun record. Opposing bills like the Firearms Freedom Act has nothing to do with the F&G and is a clear violation of his job as a commissioner as well as a clear sign that he is willing to trample the gun owners in his quest for a title.

Thanks for your continued support.

In liberty,


Alan M. Rice
RSA 206:4-a doesn't place any limitations on the commission.

This is true, but why does the fish and game commission need to weigh in on bills about the following? Typically, when statutes delegate authority, that is the full extent of the authority. They shall do... and this is under that heading. This means that is ALL that they shall do.

Here are just some of the anti-gun positions from F&G over just the last two years.

Commissioner Morse moved to oppose HB-84, relative to carrying a loaded rifle,
shotgun, or crossbow in a vehicle or boat, Commissioner Phillipson seconded. The vote was
unanimous in the affirmative.

Commissioner Morse moved to oppose HB-171, relative to prohibiting the state or its
political subdivisions from assisting a federal agency in the collection of electronic data without
a warrant, Commissioner Ryan seconded. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

Commissioner Morse moved to support HB-237, relative to establishing a committee to
study helmet and restraint laws for youth operators and passengers of OHRV’s and
snowmobiles, Commissioner Patch seconded. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

Commissioner Morse moved to oppose SB-12-FN as written, relative to repealing the
licensing requirement for carrying a concealed pistol or revolver, Commissioner Patch
seconded. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

Commissioner Morse moved to oppose HB-1640-FN, relative to the expiration of
administrative rules, Commissioner Greco seconded. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

Commissioner Morse moved to oppose SB-402, relative to procedures related to the disclosure
of exculpatory evidence by police officers, Commissioner Patch seconded. The vote was unanimous
in the affirmative.

This is just some of the 60 bills or so where the commission weighed in over Patch's term on the commission and every bill that the committee expressed an opinion on, Patch NEVER was in the minority. In fact the F&G commission voted unanimous 58 times or so over the last 5 years, and the gun owners are not benefiting from the commission's anti-gun activities. Patch needs to be held accountable for his actions while being a member of this commission.

It appears that Patch got the nod and was confirmed. Shit!

Should we refuse F&G access to our property or what? They are currently allowed to access by permission, but I think this should change. Let them patrol the trails and streams from public roads only.
Should we refuse F&G access to our property or what? They are currently allowed to access by permission, but I think this should change. Let them patrol the trails and streams from public roads only.
I have read, from other forum members that they can go where ever they want to carry out their duties. Do they really need your permission to go on your property?
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