New Mexico Man Arrested Was Training Kids To Commit School Shootings

My guess is the .Gov threw him back so he could lead them to bigger fish... Or, they're idiots. Take your pick.
UnBelievable I'm speachless! They going to wait till how many more kids are going to be killed? Blame the guns right --- it's the gun's fault not the people.

Judge rules that Taos compound defendants can be released

A state District Court judge today ruled that prosecutors in the case against five adults found living on a makeshift compound with 11 malnourished children in northern New Mexico failed to make the case for keeping the defendants’ in custody while they await trial.

Judge Sarah Backus said the state, despite assertions by prosecutors about training the children to attack various institutions with guns and the fact that a dead child was found at the compound, didn’t prove the defendants were a danger to the community.

Backus set bond for each of the five defendants at $20,000 but it’s a “signature bond,” meaning no money is required up front and would only be due if the defendants violate conditions of release.

FBI agent Travis Taylor testified that one of the children now in state custody told him that the dead child was supposed to be resurrected as Jesus and identify for the group institutions including educational institutions, law enforcement and banks that were to be attacked.
Must have been Judge Feeley. This is a joke.
UnBelievable I'm speachless! They going to wait till how many more kids are going to be killed? Blame the guns right --- it's the gun's fault not the people.

Judge rules that Taos compound defendants can be released

A state District Court judge today ruled that prosecutors in the case against five adults found living on a makeshift compound with 11 malnourished children in northern New Mexico failed to make the case for keeping the defendants’ in custody while they await trial.

Judge Sarah Backus said the state, despite assertions by prosecutors about training the children to attack various institutions with guns and the fact that a dead child was found at the compound, didn’t prove the defendants were a danger to the community.

Backus set bond for each of the five defendants at $20,000 but it’s a “signature bond,” meaning no money is required up front and would only be due if the defendants violate conditions of release.

FBI agent Travis Taylor testified that one of the children now in state custody told him that the dead child was supposed to be resurrected as Jesus and identify for the group institutions including educational institutions, law enforcement and banks that were to be attacked.
Yup, liberalism is a disease.
Wow, I heard this on the news this morning and had to rewind it to make sure I heard correctly. Complete failure. So now their timeline has been accelerated and they have freedom and a window of opportunity to finish what they started.

Can judges be sued for their decisions? or disbarment at least
It'd be a shame to take into account that many in states (I can't say for NM) the only constitutional way to hold someone is if they're a flight risk. You know, what with our system of presumptive innocence and all.

But that's ok - let's just hang 'em now.
UnBelievable I'm speachless! They going to wait till how many more kids are going to be killed? Blame the guns right --- it's the gun's fault not the people.

Judge rules that Taos compound defendants can be released

Judge Sarah Backus said the state, despite assertions by prosecutors about training the children to attack various institutions with guns and the fact that a dead child was found at the compound, didn’t prove the defendants were a danger to the community.

Backus set bond for each of the five defendants at $20,000 but it’s a “signature bond,” meaning no money is required up front and would only be due if the defendants violate conditions of release.

FBI agent Travis Taylor testified that one of the children now in state custody told him that the dead child was supposed to be resurrected as Jesus and identify for the group institutions including educational institutions, law enforcement and banks that were to be attacked.

Okay she needs her F-ing head examined.
Brilliant move.
Let them out so they can go out in a blaze of glory instead of rotting in jail for life.
I don't see what could go wrong.
I'm guessing the Judge lives no where near where these shitbirds are so she apparently doesn't care.
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they let them go!

It'd be a shame to take into account that many in states (I can't say for NM) the only constitutional way to hold someone is if they're a flight risk. You know, what with our system of presumptive innocence and all.

But that's ok - let's just hang 'em now.

Aren't the remains of a 3-year old a reason to hold someone? Or did I misread the article?
Aren't the remains of a 3-year old a reason to hold someone? Or did I misread the article?
Depends. In NY, for example, the only constitutional reason is that they're a demonstrable flight risk.

Everything else is allegations. Who's to say this isn't Waco?ruby Ridge/Bundy Ranch all over again? One day we're going on about "fake news" and how the MSM can't be trusted; the next we're all "string 'em up" based on a news report.

To be clear, I'm not saying people who train child-soldiers aren't monsters. Just saying that being principled means we can't pick and choose when we want to care about the law as written.
I had no idea that if I was found chilling with a dead body and guns that I would be out in 24 hours, anywhere.
The court said they failed to prove they were a danger to the community. Uh school shootings aren't a danger?
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