Neighborhood break in

Why bother with the sign if your shooting enough!

Who has that much ammo to spend? Dont worry, when I win the lotto this week and get my 100 acres I will be hosting a 6 month long NES shoot at my new private range with a tractor trailer load of ammo... until then im lucky to get 100 rounds through the handgun and some rifle/shotgun time before I start seeing dollar signs on the targets...
Massad Ayoob has some terrific ideas about protecting your home from invasion. Check out his YouTube vids. Rob that guy's house and they will be filming the next Death Wish flick in your honor.

Not sure if this matter, but 60% of inmates polled said they would not perpetrate against someone they thought was armed. Not sure how that translates into b&e, but I wouldn't risk getting shot.. Granted I don't know how a criminal thinks, and God knows H addicts don't think logically.
Around my way daytime breaks are very common. You have workers and thiefs. Doesnt take the thiefs long to figure out which one you are. Here they bang on your door, wait a few seconds then boom. Kick in the door grab enough to get their drugs for a day or two and run. Last summer I came out in the morning and someone had dumped a stolen motorcycle on the side of my jeep. But they then stole my cj doors right off the vehicle and a camera I had in the console!
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