National Reciprocity??

Doing so would eliminate all non res permits everywhere, stopping a significant income for each of the states.

It's the way it should be, but don't count on it. All the reps and senators from the big anti gun states, NY, CA, NJ, MA, etc will never vote for it and if they don't, it won't pass.
Dennis, while you can count on senators from those states to vote against the bill, their vote counts as much as those of Senators from Texas, Montana, Indiana, Florida, and Oklahoma (all solidly progun states).

In the House, lumping the entire CA delegation as anti-gun is not close to reality. There are many, many conservative, gun friendly districts in CA. Unfortunately their state legislature is dominated by the more populated urban areas. In the national Congress, all districts of CA get the same vote: 1 each.
Oh, crap! This thing went to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Feinstein and the "Chappaquiddick Kid" are both members and, I'm sure, will do everything they can to squash it.
this is the way it should be though.... its AMERICAS constitution, not each and every individuals states....

but I agree, im not optimistic.
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