Nashua Democrat Says He's Communist

Mar 31, 2005
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And you thought the Kennedy's were bad.........[thinking]

Local Democratic Leaders Won't Endorse Candidate

NASHUA, N.H. -- Democratic Party leaders are disavowing a legislative candidate in Nashua who identified himself on a questionnaire as a Democrat and a Communist.

Daniel Keating, 22, is one of five candidates running for three seats House District 25, in the Nashua area.

Keating is listed on the ballot as a Democrat, but in a questionnaire for The Telegraph's online voter guide, he also described his party affiliation as Communist Party of the United States of America.

Nashua Democratic Chairwoman Jane Clemons said she doesn't know if Keating is affiliated with the Communist Party or if he listed that affiliation as a joke, but she's not laughing.

Clemons said the Democratic Party isn't endorsing Keating because he listed the Communist Party affiliation.
Hey, at least he came out and admitted it right away, instead of what
most democraps do, which is to go to great lengths to cover up their
rabid socialist and communist tendencies.

Some might think that calling yourself both a Democrat and a Communist is merely repeating yourself.
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