Naked intruder grabs hammer, terrorizes California woman and twin daughters


NES Member
May 27, 2017
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Too bad the owner did not have a firearm. I'll bet that would have stopped him dead in his tracks...

A California mother and her two daughters are still shaken after a man reportedly broke into their home early Saturday, took off his clothes and tried to use a hammer to smash through a wall behind which the family members had barricaded themselves.

Rachel Bollin told FOX11 she was startled awake around 5 a.m. Saturday when she heard a "massive crash." which turned out to be the sound of her sliding glass door being broken, followed by a man's voice.

"He says ‘I'm in your house, call 911,'" Bollin said.

Security video from her home in Corona shows the intruder use a scooter to smash through the window of a patio door. Bollin said she grabbed her phone and called police while running up to the bedroom where her twins were located in order to barricade themselves in.

"He went in my garage, took his clothes off and took my husband's hammer from his tool box," she told FOX11.

The man then came upstairs and tried to break through the bedroom door. When that didn't work, the now-bare bandit attempted to smash his way through a wall to get into the bedroom where the mother and her two daughters were hiding.

From Naked intruder grabs hammer, terrorizes California woman and twin daughters
saw this on the local news last night. crazy.

LA is the most insane f***ing city on the planet. Shit like this on the news every single night. police helicopters buzzing and circling around all the time.

I moved out here without my guns because I was rushed on the move and didn't have a good grasp of the laws. We live in a very quiet suburb but I need to make sure to bring some guns back with me next time I visit MA for home defense.
Not legal advise, better look into it, but if it were me I would be looking into flying direct into manchester nh with guns checked - then stored at a good friends house in NH while you sort out legal details. NH doesnt care about those guns as long as you or who-ever is keeping an eye on them can legally own one. Once you step into MA with them whole different story, like CA.
Comprehension fail. He wants to bring his guns to the liberal utipia of California.
I had a friend who lived in LA in the 1980's. He said one day there were a group of very sketchy men outside his house, they gave off a very bad vibe. He went outside to see what was going on and they started circling him, like a pack of wolves. I.e. one guy trying to keep his attention while the other two drifted back behind him. He went back into his house and called the police, who simply never showed up. That was a wakeup call and he bought a couple of guns after that experience.
Want to bet there was some gun shopping right after that happened ?

Being Kommiefornia, I doubt it, but it would be nice to think that should be the reaction of any sane person.

This is exactly the type of shit that gives you a fatal case of lead poisoning in most other places.
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