My one year

I joined just the other day. Spent about a month looking around and was a little intimidated by Scriv and a couple of the others that are very smart, pissed me off a little but they know how to dance and for the most part they know their SHEEEET. Plus I don't like to repeat myself or Splain things twice. Its a great board and a lot of fun and I don't mind being corrected once in a while. Frankly I have learned a lot since I have been here. Thanks to all and Happy Holidays.

I hit one year on the 15th, love this board. I have logged on just about every day for a year + now. Man I need a life.[smile]

+1 though this forum rocks. [rockon]
I'll be coming up on a year next month, I found NES while doing a google search for info on the Ware gun shop. This is a great place with lots of info and great people. Glad to contribute.
[kiss]I heard the forum was actually started by Hillary Clinton so she get in touch with the common man and improve her image. DA Beeeeeeech!
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